Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Hikaru's POV

  Haruhi and Okami-san arrived later than usual today. Normally, I wouldn't care, but something seemed off. Okami-san seemed more relaxed and she and Haruhi seemed way closer than before. "Hey, is it just me or does it seem like there is something different with Okami-san?" I asked Kaoru. He nodded. "Something does seem different."  Kaoru said. "Want to find out what's happened?" I said. Kaoru grinned. "Of course." he said.

Okami-san's POV

     I was walking out of my first class with Haruhi when I was suddenly pulled away from her. "Hey, what are you doing?!" I said, trying to wriggle out of however had a hold of me. "I don't want to hurt you, but you're being really annoying right now." I said, preparing to kick who ever had me. "Ok, ok. We'll let go." two voices chorused. "Kaoru, Hikaru?" I said. "Yep, that's us." I sighed. " What do you want?" i asked. Hikaru's face formed a pout. "Aw, can't we just hang out with our friend?" he said. "No, you two never do that." I said, "What do you want?" "We want you to come over to out house this weekend." Kaoru said.

     I gave him a suprised look. "Why?" I asked. "Does there have to be a reason?" Hikaru sighed. I glared at him. "Yes, because I'll totallyshow up at your house, alone, with no idea why I'm there." I said, "You're dealing with someone with extreme trust issues, so give me a reason." The twins sighed. "We want to get to know you better." Kaoru said. "After all, you did just show up at our school in the middle of the year with a scholarship like Haruhi's." Hikaru said. "Why don't you just talk to Kyoya. He seems to know a lot about the people inthis school. I'm sure it's got a bio on me." I said, turning to walk away from the twins.

        "Wait!" Hikaru said, "What's so bad about us trying to get to know you?" I turned back and looked Hikaru straight in the eye. "Because I'm not a nice person and once you get to know me, you get sucked into a world where you don't belong." Hikaru gulped. I turned my back and kept walking to my next class, which I was late for.  

       Ignoring the teachers glare, I walked in and sat next to Tira. "Why are you so late?" she whispered to me. I rolled my eyes. "It was the twins." I said.  Tira smiled. "What did they want?" she asked. "They wanted to get to know me." I said, slumping on my desk. Tira looked surprised. She knew about what happened in my old school. "I heard about why you moved, but I don't know the full details. I can understand why you would want to keep that hidden." she said. I nodded. "I just hope they won't bother me about it" I said.

- - - - - - - - Time Skip - - - - - - - - - 

      "Please, please, please, please!" My eyes dulled more with every word coming out of those hell forsaken twins. I managed to survive the day with them at my heals. but I'm not so sure about the club time. "Just one more hour." I whispered to myself,rubbing my forehead.

      "Okami-san, will you come eat cake with me?" Hunny asked. "Yeah..... Sure..." I said, turning to him, trying to smile. Hunny suddenly teared up and ran away from me. "Tira-chan, Okami-san made a scary face!" he said, running into her arms. Tira hugged Hunny. "It's ok. She's just annoyed at Hikaru and Kaoru right now." She glanced at the twins, who were on either side of me, begging. In fact, everyone in the club room right now was staring at the twins and me.  

        "Will you two just shut the hell up." I said. I stood up and tried to pull down the hem of the maid's skirt and walked over to Kyota's table. "Kyoya, is there some thing I can do?" I asked. His eyes seemed to skim over me and lock on to the twins next to me. "It seems some of the guest's tea may be running short." he said, "It would also be nice if you could deal with those two." "Of course." I said, "But I'm afraid taking care of these two may cause a problem with the guests." A sick smile crossed my face. The twins stopped their blubbering and looked at me. They seemed to pale. I walked away from them and grabbed some tea.

     I finished pouring out the tea and sat down. I closed my eyes and tried to relax. I felt pressure sink down the couch on either side of me. I opened my eyes and saw the twins on either side of me. "I swear, if you two start up again, I'm going to punch you." I said. "We won't, I promise." Hikaru said. "We just really want to get to know you." Kaoru said. I sighed. "I respect you for trying, but my answer remains the same." I said. I started to get up but they pulled me back down. "What are you so afraid of?" Hikaru asked. "What's wrong with people trying to get close to you?" Koaru asked. I froze. Tears started to well up into my eyes. I remained silent. I watched as tears fell on to my purple skirt, turning the purple materiel dark.

      "Because they always get hurt." I whispered. I stood up and ran from the room, tears streaming down my face. Memories rushed through my head. I ran outside of the building and into the street. The sky had turned dark and thunder clashed through the air. Rain began pouring down in heavy sheets. I kept running and reached a park. My foot caught on the edge of a broken piece of sidewalk and I fell to my knees.

                                      "Ringo... I'm sorry."

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