Rock Climbing

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Hey everyone I just really want to thank you for reading my book it means a lot to me if you want to be put in  just ask. All you have to do is say a name it doesn't even have to be your real name just any name, your godly parent and if you want to be in Chaos' army you don't have to but you can thanks for reading. :)


 I came back from Olympus to find Annabeth yelling at Leo.
"Tell me!" she yelled
"I can't! I already told you that!"
"Why not!"
"Because you have to find out on your own!"
I wanted to know what they were arguing about so I walked over to settle them down
"Hey, hey, HEY!" I yelled "What's going on here?" I asked
"Oh ummm I just... wanted his taco recipe right Leo." she said elbowing him in the stomach
"Uhhh yeah that's it a recipe hehe." he said rubbing his stomach
"So you're not gonna tell me the real reason you were fighting?" I said smirking
"Pshhhh I was telling you the truth."
"Mmmhmmm sure so what's next on the agenda today?" I asked
"Agenda? Wow never thought I'd hear that word come out of your mouth Omega."
"Funny Valdez but I have become more sophisticated and wiser since our last conversation."
"Sophisticated? Wow those are like Annabeth words I'm proud."
"You did nothing to contribute to the success of my vocabulary." I said
"Yes I did" he said smugly
"How may that be?" I asked. I wanted to hear this one.
"I keep asking you questions and you reply with big words."
"Keep telling yourself that Valdez keep telling yourself that."
"Well next on the agenda for the day is lunch and then after that is rock climbing." said Annabeth
"Great I remember that wall I can't tell you how many pairs of shoes I've lost due to that positively horrid contraption." I said and Leo burst out laughing if he could see me through this mask he would see me grinning because I knew just why he was laughing
"Well we better get going we don't want to be late for prandium." I said
"What is prandium?" asked Leo
"It's lunch in Latin."
"Latin really dude."
"I see you have been hanging around Nico di Angelo." I asked Annabeth
"Yes he's been giving me Latin lessons."
"Well do you know what this means.
Tu voluptas pulchra puella mihi unquam me rei seriem desiderium si scires " I said but with just my luck Nico di Angelo was walking by and he started cracking up right there
"Et ego mitto vos Angelo divinitus clausa Bianca."
"Fine fine." he said walking off though I could still hear him laughing he wasn't shocked that Bianca was in my army she had showed herself to him the first day she was here. He was so happy she was alive again and she promised him she would try to visit him.
"So do you know what it means?" I asked
"No but what ever it is you were upset about Nico laughing about it because you said
'Shut up di Angelo or i will send Bianca after you.' usually I say Thalia because he has a crush on her and she can be really mean about things she showed up earlier today and I think she might freak out when she finds out Luke is alive again."
"Yes I do suppose it is plausible for the results to occur in these circumstances."
"Ok I like talking to you and all but cool it with the smart people talk it makes me seem dumb."
"Okay I'll stop." I said
"Alright now we better get down to the dining pavilion or else Leo is going to clear the place out it's taco day and he thinks eating tacos makes him even more Mexican but we just let him think that because he starts randomly talking in Spanish which is funny." she said and I saw Leo racing to the dining pavilion.
"Lets go" I said and we walked up there and just as we got there the lunch horn blew. We sat at our table and occasionally would look at each other and make fun of what the other was doing and Nico kept looking at me and laughing and then I would give him the death glare which was nothing to him he was Hades' son. I whispered to the entire Chaos table
"Guys she must be really slow she still hasn't found out yet."
"Who Annabeth? Yeah she's trying to hard the other day I saw her take Riptide to Leo and ask him how it was supposed to help her find him." said Silena
"I know I hope she finds out soon she is literally the only one that doesn't know and it's sad really but Leo accidentally let slip he knew where Percy was and now Annabeth is constantly trying to force it out of him. I think she's desperate." said Zoë
"She has to figure this one out on her own guys so not a word." I said
"Fineeee" they said
"So who's excited for rock climbing?" I asked
"Ummm US!" they said in unison we have done even more dangerous things than that before. This wall was a piece of cake. Once we even had to find our way out of a volcano literally in a volcano we had to hide in the lava but it didn't bother us because of the dip in the River Chaos. But yeah we ended up having to climb out using the arrows we all brought and climbed up using only the arrows luckily they were enchanted so they didn't break. We were so ready to beat the campers at this we knew they weren't very good the only one even a little good is Annabeth she is REALLY good at it she once made it over in a minute which compared to the other kids is really fast.
"So how does everyone like being back here. It brings back so many good memories doesn't it?"
"Like that Prius?" said Beckendorf
"Funny." I said
"What happened with a Prius." Asked Luke
"Well Percy here-" he began
"Keep it down man Annabeth is right there and we don't need to relive that moment that stays between us." I said. He got an evil grin on his face and then whispered to Luke what happened.
"Dude our Oracle really." Said Luke
"It was one time." I retorted
"What about me?" said Rachel
"Ummm we were just saying how happy we were to have you as our Oracle. Right guys?" I said
"No we were talking about how you kissed her in that Prius." Said Luke
"Thanks guys this is friendship." I said
"Oh no problem." said Luke
"Oh I remember that day that kid with the flying horse came down and smashed the hood of Paul's Prius." said Rachel
"Yeah well you better get going I bet you have Oracle business to get to." I said trying to get her to leave before she went into our time together before the war with Kronos.
"Actually I do Chiron asked me to ref the Rock Climbing we're competing the army against Camp Half Blood."
"Great can wait for you to give us our first place trophy." I said
"Sure keep telling yourself that in the 10 years you were gone we actually got good at rock climbing." She said
"Sure you did" I said
She lied. To be honest I think they got worse. They were so slow but then again the only really good person was Annabeth she had cut her time in half. I would feel bad bad for beating her for once. Not. I was so going to enjoy beating her she used to laugh at me because once she and Chiron and some other campers had to come get me off because I was to scared to move. I'm more mature now though I've been through a lot more and done scarier things since then. Then the first race was starting
"On your mark, get set, GO!" said Chiron and Silena was first and she was against the Stoll brothers she took off she went way faster than them by the time they were halfway up the first side she was flipping over to the next side. She climbed down and touched the bottom just as they got over the top.
"This round goes to..." "what's your name?" Asked Chiron
"Silena" she said
"Silena" he said and realized that he knew that name. She took her mask and hood off and flipped her hair like those girls do when they take hats off. I could have sworn I saw tears come out of Clarisse's eyes and she ran up and hugged Silena.
"I thought you were gone forever." Clarisse said
"Well Omega brought me back and I joined the army and I always hoped to come back to see you." Said Silena
"I've missed you." said Clarisse
"I missed you too." said Silena
"Wait does that mean he's?" said Clarisse pointing to Bekendorf
"Guilty as charged." he said and took his mask and hood off everyone started crowding around them asking them questions. While other campers and people from my army did the rock wall. Finally after everyone else was done it was my turn. I looked to see who my opponent was and it was Annabeth.
"At least I'm facing someone who will be a little more of a challenge even though I'm going to win any ways." I said
"Please" she said "you stand no chance against me I'm the beat the camp's got."
"Well have you crawled out of a volcano using nothing but 2 arrows?" I asked
"No but that has nothing to do with me beating you."
"Keep telling yourself that."
"Omega now isn't the best time to be giving yourself advice we are about to start." she said
"Funny" I said and she grinned at me
"On your mark, get set, GO!" said Chiron and we both bolted up the wall she was getting ahead but I had a trick up my sleeve. When we both got to the top she was climbing over which was where she went wrong. The key to winning it is you gotta flip over the top. I flipped over the top and started heading down and she made it over and started coming after me. I knew I was gonna win then I heard a scream. I looked up and saw Annabeth dangling there. She had cut one of her hands on the rocks and was bleeding and was loosing her grip. She lost her grip on the rock and started to fall down to the lava and then I let go and knocked her out of the path of the lava and I fell in. I heard screams and gasps and mixed comments. Then I came out just fine and all the campers looked at me with blank faces. I wiped the lava off and got out of the lava pit.
"H-h-how did you not die?" asked Clarisse
"I'm invincible see watch." I said as I took out Hurricane and new Riptide and acted like I was going to cut off my legs but the swords just passed right through.
"That's amazing." said The Stolls
"I know isn't it just splendid." I said
"Ok dude I get if you want to start using bigger words but never say 'Splendid" ever again." said Luke
"I agree with that guy on this one that's a really weird word." said Thalia
"Thanks Thals" said Luke then I heard him say to me
"Oh snap! She doesn't know I'm Luke yet she's gonna freak when I tell her."
"You're Luke!" she yelled
"You can read minds?" Luke said
"No you said that one out loud man." I said I figured he had meant to mind message me that one.
"Yes I am." he said taking off his mask and hood and she passed out cold.
"Wow for a Hunter of Artemis she passes out easily." said Luke
"Here I'll try to wake her up one second." I said getting ready and I yelled
"THALIA WAKE UP!" with about as much charmspeak as I could manage and she bolted up
"Thanks whoever you are." she said looking at me "Now I probably won't sleep for days." and then she looked at Luke and said
"Luke is that really you?"
"Yes it is Thals." he said walking over and putting his hand on her shoulder.
"I missed you." she said hugging him
"Missed you too" he said
"Well Omega do you have anything you want to say?" Chiron asked
"Yes I do" I said "Free blue moon ice cream for everyone!" Chiron glared at me and I knew what he was saying and I responded with a look that said "she has to figure it out on her own" and he just sighed and walked away. I snapped my fingers and blue moon ice cream appeared on every table. I didn't want to talk about this now.

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