A Goddess Yells At Me

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I think everyone liked me a little more after I gave them icecream.
"Thanks P-Omega." said Thalia
"No problem I just figured hey I bet everyone wants icecream."
"Or were you trying to avoid telling Annabeth-" said Thalia but Annabeth cut her off
"Avoid telling me what?" asked Annabeth
"That- I went up to Olympus and apologized to the gods for what I did to Athena and Zeus. I was to rash and quick to judge." I said and she looked at me quizzically "Yup that's all." I said
"Alright well thanks for the icecream it was really good." she said
"Oh no problem well I have to go ummm I'll talk to you guys later." I said walking away. I went back to my cabin and took off my hoof and mask and held my face in my hands and then ran my hand through my hair.
"You need to tell her." I heard a female voice say and I looked up and saw the most stunning girl ever she was so beautiful I couldn't even put a name to her face she was just beautiful. I knew just who it was Aphrodite.
"Tell who what?" I asked
"Annabeth about you." she said walking up to me
"She has to figure this one out on her own." I said
"Percy listen to me! She is going crazy trying to find you. She has studied that sword for hours and hours every night trying to figure out how it leads to you."
"Well if she would just think a little more outside the box she would realize it."
"She needs to know who you are I know true love when I see it and she truely truely loves you."
"Well if you knew she loved me why did you just let her fall in love with Jake huh? Why did you let her marry him? What if I don't like her that way anymore huh? Have you thought of that!" I yelled
"I did that because remember what I said a while ago while you were on your trip to find her with Thalia, Grover, Zoë, and Bianca I would always make your relationship difficult for you. You have to hit some pot holes in the road before you can reach your destination or what kind of thrill is it? And I know you love her you just won't admit it!" she said
"Fine be that way but that doesn't stop your feelings for each other." she said
"What ever you want to hear Percy. Well I must got going or Zeus will have a fit. Good bye Percy."
"Please don't feel the need to come back." I said
"Oh I will be back just not until the Percabeth wedding comes" she said and dissapeared
"WHAT IS PERCABETH ANY WAY?!?!" I yelled but she was already gone. I turned around to face the wall and sat down on my bed and put my head back into my hands. I wanted to just stay here forever and not go anywhere no drama no problems just me my games and my blue food bar. Then I heard a voice I knew all to well talk
"It was me and Percy's ship name that Aphrodite and her kids gave us. I wish she would just let it go it sounds kinda weird." it was Annabeth I quickly grabbed my mask and pulled up my hood and turned to face her.
"How did you get up here?" I asked
"Jason flew me up here. He is a really nice guy he is the tall blonde with the SPQR tattoo on his arm. He used to go to a camp just like this one but instead of Greek it was Roman and he was one of the leaders then Hera Queen of Rudeness decided to have him and Percy switch place for almost a year but I think you guys would get along great." I nodded and laughed a little because all of a sudden there was a flash of lightning. I guess Hera heard her nickname from Annabeth.
"Just go back to messing up peoples lives Hera." she said. I laughed I could see the Queen of Olympus sitting up there right now in a full out rage from Annabeth and her comments. But she did have to admit that was a little rude messing with peoples lives like that. I then replied
"Jason Grace. Yes he is I've met him he is very kind. I have a SPQR tattoo also Hera did something quite similar to me and I became one of the leaders along side with some people you wouldn't know that well. I was only there long enough to get one line though. I think Jason has about what 7 yes Son of Jupiter or as we know him Zeus dating Piper Mclean friends with You Leo Valdez Hazel Levesque Frank Zhang Nico di Angelo and Percy Jackson and brother to Thalia Grace who is now the leader of the Hunters of Artemis."
"How do you know all that?" She asked
"I have met him and we've talked we spent quite a bit of time together we both do however love making fun of bratty Octivian of how I loathe that boy. We both are just a little bit scared of Reyna too she is well lets not get onto that."
"So you spent sometime at SPQR?"
"Yes I have spent some time there they are an interesting company." and I showed her my tattoo that they burned into my arm. She gasped at the sight of it
"What is it are you alright?" I asked
"What? Oh yes it's just Percy has that same tattoo on his arm."
"Yes we laughed about that he is a very amazing guy. Why did you ever let him go. He liked to claim he diidn't miss you and he was glad he didn't have to be around quote 'Those aweful horrible dirtbags that can go and die in Tartarus.'" I saw her face turn a little bit painful
"But I always knew that he actually missed this place but he said if he ever came back for some reason he wouldn't know wether to stay or not because of all the pain he had in his last week."
"I wasn't really thinking. Mortey you know I'm hoing to call him Jake, Jake came along and he was so cute and I just fell for him. He would dance with me and tell me jokes and just be funny with me he made me feel like a kid again. Then I kissed him and I guess Percy couldn't take it any more and he left. I started regretting what I did and I was about to break up with him and he started the charm speak on me. Then we 'Fell in love' and got married. I never forgot about Percy though. No amount of charm speak no loss of memory nothing could make me forget about him. Me and the others would go on quests and I would imagine Percy right next to me. Nothing seemed right with him gone. On the first quest I got after he left I almost didn't go. I had never gone on any quest without him. Then of course there was charm speak and I went but he never left my mind. They had to do this for all 13 quests we went on. The 10 years without him felt like an eternity. I just wish I could have him back with me and we could be back together and go on quests again. I was never the same after he left an you can ask anyone that I changed and I just can't seem to get back on track without him." She was starting to cry which made me tear up a little I had to try so hard to not ket my voice crack when I went to talk to her
"Well no matter what he tells me I know he probably misses you too. If he did come back I don't know though wether or not he would want to get back together with you. He loved you and you kinda ripped his heart out and fed it to a shark."
"I know and I regret it. He was my Seaweed Brain and I was his Wise Girl and I just destroyed that. I made him promise that we would never be apart and he did but it turns out that I was the one that broke that promise. I can't believe I let him go that easy he fell into the pits of Tartarus to make sure he didn't break his promise. He beared hundreds of curses and pain and all he could think about was my well being and making sure I was ok." Now the tears were streaming down her face. I wiped them away with my thumbs.
"Annabeth I just want you to know that everyone makes mistakes. Everyone has to face a witch before they can get to the wonderful land of Oz." I said and she laughed
"You like the wizard of Oz?" she asked
"Yeah one of my friends made me watch it it was her favorite."
"Really? It's my favorite too!"
"Percy told me so I figured you would like the metaphor better if I refrenced to the Wizard of Oz."
"I did" she said and we went at least an hour discussing the Wizard of Oz. Then we changed the subject
"So do you happen to like Marvel?" I asked
"Like them? No. I LOVE them!" she said
"Well who's your favorite?"
"Iron Man" she said smiling
"Mines Captain America now that guy is AWESOME!" I said
"I think that would be my second favorite." she said
"Well you want to see something really cool?" I asked
"Sure I guess." she said I reached over to my backpack and pulled out every original copy of the Iron Man comics and handed them to her she looked down and her jaw dropped
"You're giving me these?" she asked flipping through them
"Yes I am" I said
"To tell you that I'm sorry."
"What for?"
"You'll find out soon but right now I have to get going. I promised Percy I'd check on Black Jack for him." I said stanfing up
"Alright I just want to thank you so much I don't know how I will ever make it up to you." she said hugging me
"You don't have to." I said and pulled away from the hug "Would you like me to escort you down to the ground or do you want to just jump and see how it goes?" I asked and she laughed
"If you don't mind I would love if you would escort me down."
"That would be no problem at all." I said smiling and held out my hand like fancy people did and she placed hers on top of mine and we walked out of the room and I flew us down back to Earth. Then I bowed and she did the same back and I walked off to go check on my favorite pegesus. Black Jack.

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