Another Visit to Olympus

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I didn't know what Mrs. O' Leary would do so I braced myself to get attacked. When I walked up she was sitting in a corner whimpering and Tyson was comforting her.

"Need help with anything?" I asked I must've scared him because she jumped which terrified Mrs. O' Leary and then she jumped.

"No she has just been very sad."

"Why?" I asked

"Her owner my brother Percy died 10 years ago and she misses him a lot." Obviously he hadn't seen what Leo did to me. She started sniffing the air I was in for a big knock down

"What is it?" Tyson asked her and she came barreling toward me and licked my face which knocked my mask and hood off.

"BROTHER!!!" Tyson yelled and came runnig to me and gave me a big hug

"I missed you brother." he said

"Missed you to big guy." and I went on to explain the whole story to him

"So I am not allowed to tell Annabeth?" he said

"Right" I said I knew that was hard for him he loved to tell her everything I don't think there is anything he hasn't told her actually.

"And make sure you call me Omega and not Percy or brother alright."

"Alright Omega" he said I got a towel out of my never ending backpack and wiped my mask and face off because it was covered in Mrs. O' Leary slobber and I put my mask back on. Just then I was teleported to the one and only Olympus. My throne was still the so I made myself god sized and sat down

"Why exactly did you call me back here?" I asked

"Well" replied Zeus "we need to have a chat with you about the war."

"Yes and?"

"We will help you fight in the war on one condition." said Posideon

"And what may that be?" I asked

"Show us your face so I can know who turned me into a chicken!" said Athena

"Posideon are you alright?" I asked I never noticed but he looked about 20 years older and had a cup of coffee in his hands and was drinking it.

"He has been losing more and more power ever since the death of his son Perceus Jackson."

"Really?" I asked "Who was this Perceus?"

"He prefered to be called Percy he was Posideons favorite son he save the world more times than I can count and he almost died about 10x more than that he even fell into Tartarus so that the girl he loved didn't have to be alone he was a real hero and we never gave him enough credit for that we still treated him badly even though he save us all without him we wouldn't be here. I only wish I would have been able to tell him that but he passed on 10 years ago and Posideon blames himself for not being a good enough father to him and that's why he made the aweful desition to fight a monster he knew would kill him so that he didn't have to suffer through all the torture that came with being the son of Posideon." said Aphrodite

"I wish he wouldn't have gone I supported Percabeth." She sighed

"What is Percabeth?" I asked

"He and my daughter Annabeth's couple name Aphrodite insists on making couple names for all the heros." Said Athena

"Except for her and that creep she was with what was his name Drake? Josh?"

"Jake" I corrected "But they aren't together anymore he was your kid you know? He had charmspoke her into dating him all these years." I said she got red with embarassment

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