A dance to remember (Part 1)

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You were going for a walk through the park trying to look for a good place that you could show off your dance moves at.While walking you were scanning through your phone looking for a good song to dance to.However while walking you heard your favorite song playing before you even clicked the play button to listen to it.You couldn't help but quietly sing along as you pulled up your hood on your hoodie and walk closer to the music.when you got to the place the music was coming from you saw a skeleton dancing to it.you assumed it was a guy.He was wearing the same blue hoodie as you and under the hood was a sport hat that said dance with small letters in the corner that read MTT.you knew what that meant Mettaton was already famous on the surface.He was also wearing black sweatpants with white lines on them and a belt that wasn't even tight.But still seeing his skills in dancing and his style made you slightly blush.

Then the next song started to play and it was a song you had danced to many times.Before he started dancing he looked over at you and you narrowed your eyes at him with a small smile.You ran up as he was finishing his first set of moves.And started dancing on the opposite side of him your moves sent the crowd in shock many people were recording your performance.He smiled and winked when you finished your set.You were certain he knew you were challenging him to a dance battle.He started to say his name before he danced again.

"heh my name is sans by the way.."he smirked.Then started to dance you 2 were attracting a huge crowd.He finished and you danced 

"I'm Y/N"you winked. As you heard ooo's and ahh's at you performance.

~Sans P.O.V~

It was incredible a girl just leaped out of the crowd and challenged me to a dance battle...And her dancing was extraordinary!She had more people rooting for her than I'd had in this whole battle,heh well so far..And her name Y/N that's a name I won't forget anytime soon.She winked at me so many times I couldn't tell why,maybe it was just her way of signaling she was done. I wasn't sure but she did when she was finished a set.One things for sure this is one of the most determined humans I had ever met."Oh my turn again?couldn't tell you made fall asleep."I joked which sent a bunch of "oh snap's" and "wrecked!"from the crowd.even though it was a "insulting"joke she still giggled.

~your P.O.V~

I couldn't lie Sans was a great dancer,I don't think I could ever do some of the moves he did even if I took lessons for 2 years!He seemed like a really funny guy he told jokes and puns between moves,both mine and his.The song was almost over,you knew this because you'd heard the song many times before and danced to it many times.That's when sans danced during my first moves it was an all out dance battle then the end of the song came and we were in each other's faces as if we just wrecked each other and we were panting by the end.Surprisingly enough you won even though he pulled off amazing stunts and moves.

Even though you wanted to stay standing up and enjoy your victory you,plopped on the ground and chugged your water from my water bottle you brought.you glanced over at sans."Heh,you're pretty good at dancing aye?"sans smirked.

"I guess but you were really good to."you panted still exhausted.And then you noticed sans was pretty exhausted too.But he didn't have any water or anything."Thirsty?"you asked with slightly upset eyes.

"heh,yeah..."he panted.He had pinpricks in his eyes when you first saw him but now they were completely gone.And you were only looking in the dark abyss of his eye sockets.You opened your bag of dance supplies and pulled out an extra bottle of water and handed it to him.

"Heh it's fine,I wouldn't want to take something that's your-"you interrupted him by pressing the water bottle against his mouth/teeth/grin.he grabbed it and chuckled."well if ya insist.."he winked.(however that was possible...)He chugged the water down which made you quietly laugh.And the white specks in his eyes were back again.You sat there chatting as the crowd disappeared and put money into sans hat.(which he took off..) Sans looked at you like you were the most interesting person he'd ever met.You checked the time on your phone and relised it was 6PM and you had to go to A girl named Frisk's concert,you had met her before..You planed to meet Undyne and Alphys at your house who you also met before.

Move the way the music flows(Dancetale Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now