Chapter Four: Bakura

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“What’s the idea?” Marik said, jerking the Millennium item away, dealing a swift, yet light, blow to my midsection.

“The kebab place that we liked in Egypt opened a location a few blocks away.”

“So what?”

“So brainwash a few Steves to give you their money.” I caught the golden artifact, which Marik was wielding aggressively.  Pulling it from his grip, I tucked into a belt loop in the back of my trousers.

He spun around to plop into bed. “I guess we could do that. I mean, there’s no pizzazz, but y’know. You came up with it. When we get our first bills, we’ll do that.”

I sat back down beside him, casting furtive glances to his midsection, which was more exposed than usual, due to his stretching out. He flexed his wrists, body twisting in a long stretch before he rolled onto his stomach. “Winter is never as cold in Egypt,” he said, musingly.

“Ah, yea, but Domino City’s pretty far from Egypt.”

“Mn.” Marik reached for his Millennium Rod, nearly getting it back. I moved away, shifting to hold it over his head. “Gimme, Florence.”

“Nope.” I flicked his forehead, continuing to hold it out of his reach as he continued to go after it. Marik coiled, and then sprang at me. I stood, moving effectively past him.

“Please? I won’t hit you anymore, I promise.” Marik’s fingers grazed my wrists as he attempted to reclaim his rod.

I carried it away, ignoring my new flatmate’s pleas. He launched at my legs with some kind of animalistic shriek, sitting on my foot and wrapping his arms and legs around my own leg.

“Bakoooora,” he whined, leaning his head on my leg.

I limped into my room, whacking Marik on the head with his rod as we went. Once I reached the doorway, I shook my leg violently, pushing his head back with the top of the rod, eventually just dropping it into his lap. “Here, now leave me alone.”

“Thank you, Bakura!” He took it, climbing off me. For the briefest of moments, we were standing close together, Marik clutching the rod to his chest, me with my hand on the doorknob.

But after that one second, his violet eyes suddenly widened, face brightening before he scuffled away hurriedly.

I shook my head and shut my door, wondering who dropped him when he was a baby.

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