Chapter 27

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Kai has stopped talking to me after that last chat about me not joining his club.The answer I gave him was a caught-in-the-moment answer.I don't know if I should be regretting it or not but Blake thought it was a fantastic idea.

"I knew you had it in you." Blake playfully shoved his shoulder against mines and I simply rolled my eyes at him.But I smiled none the less as I watch Blake acting all carefree and none bi-polar.

He saw me smiling and rose an eyebrow.

"What you smiling at?"

He started grinning as he leaned closer., "Don't tell me you're falling for me." He whispered as he licked his lips seductively.

I pushed him away and got up. "No."

He feigned a hurt look."That hurts." I narrowed my eyes at him."Kidding."

It's been 3 weeks since Blake's confession but here we are right now,talking about making Kai jealous.How ironic.How weird.

"Sometimes I think how easy it would be is you just chose me." Blake randomly said outloud. I don't even think he knows that he said it outloud as he continued to lay down on my bed with his eyes closed and hands resting on his stomach...he looks so peaceful.

I faceplamed myself as reality came hitting me in the face. Blake still likes me and he unknowingly said it in my face. After several moments I heard light snoring and saw that Blake has fallen asleep.

I tip-toed out of my room and ran downstairs to entertain myself. I ended up sitting on the bench in the back of the house near the pond.Memories came flooding back to me as I recalled the first time I met Blake and Jake here, except for Kai since I met him in the airplane.

Who would have thought that someone as handsome as Blake would end up liking me. And Kai, well I'm not really sure if he really has feelings for me even though Blake insists that he does.

I exhaled and inhaled and leaned on my back and stretching my arms above me.I leaned my head back and shut my eyes as the scent of pine woods and hot cocoa fill my nose.

Hot cocoa?

I fluttered my eyes opened and saw a grinning Jake."Hi Alex-kun!" He hopped over to sit beside and offered me a cup of hot cocoa.How he was able to hop and balance the two mugs, I'll never know.

I gratefully took the mug,taking a sip I then savored the warm liquid in my mouth before swallowing. I smiled at Jake and patted his head affectionately, "So what's with the hot cocoa?"

He tilted his head and frowned."I saw you walking downstairs and heading outside with that troubled I decided to make some of my awesome hot cocoa and cheer you up!" He raised his mug and I clinked mines against his.

"Thanks Jake.I feel much better now." I really do. Jake is really a ray of light and he doesn't even know it.


"Please." Mika practically begged on her knees while the others were ignoring her as they talked among themselves."Please!!" She cried out more louder and I snapped my fingers gaining the attention of the others.

"She's going to cry now.." And true enough, Mika's eyes were glistening as tears threatened to fall. Jake was the first to give up and ran to her side.

"We were just kidding Mika. Offcourse we'd leave the two of you." Jake smiled playfully tickling her sides. "Now get up and let's eat."

Risa and Yui said their sorry's and they all went towards the cafeteria as I lingered behind the empty hallways. We started eating in the cafeteria nowadays since Kai and Blake would always be busy with their club activities that they hardly have time to eat lunch with us. But I have a feeling that Kai just doesn't want to talk to me... just feeling it.

another BL story. [Completed ✔][Major Editing]Where stories live. Discover now