Chapter 31

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"So where do think he's going to place it?" A very curious looking Jake asked.

"What are you both on about?" Blake asked upon entering through the kitchen door, a curious look on his face as well.

"None of your business." I muttered taking a sip of green latte.

Blake laughed out loud, taking a seat next to me. "It's early in the morning. What's with the bad mood?" His voice changed when he asked that.

I raised an eyebrow, "Weren't you laughing earlier?"

Before he can answer, Jake jumped in-between. Literally.

"Come on! Where do you think he's going to place it?"

I rolled my eyes and got up. "I don't know Jake. Sure, I'm a member of the committee but I ain't a spy."

Blake eyes lit up in realization. "Jake, are you asking about the.. prize?"

Jake looked at him in shocked, and Blake gave an inquisitive look.

Jake threw his hands in defeat. "Fine! You caught me." Then he pouted, "I'm just all."

"Tsk. Tsk. That's bad Jake." Another familiar voice reprimanded.

I turned to see Kai smiling at me. "Good Morning Alex."

I gave a goofy grin, weird. It was a reflex. "Good Morning kai."

Blake gagged.

"Are you alright Blake?" Jake asked.

Kai raised an eyebrow at me. What's with today and people raising their eyebrows.

I shrugged; I gulped down my green latte before saying goodbye.

"Where are you going?" Blake asked.


Kai stopped me, "But it's the weekend."

I looked down on my arm, where his hand is firmly placed. I gulped invisible air.

"School committee duties. The school festival is nearing.."

"Oh yes. Right, off course." Kai smiled before letting go of my arm.

"Sheesh. You just had a couple moment there." Blake laughed.

Jake clapped in joy. "So cute!"

Kai scratched his head, embarrassed.

I took that as que to leave. "See you guys later." I waved before scramming it out of the kitchen room.

"Couple moment." Blake scoffed.

"Shut up Blake." Kai replied. That's rare, he sounded so serious.


"Alex!" A very excited looking Yui hugged me.

Risa and Mika was present aswell. They waved and I waved back.

"What are you girls doing here?"

"Club meetings." Mika replied, while texting in her phone.

I was about to ask a question, Risa beat me to it. "Yet why isn't the guys here? Especially Kai since he's president of their Club?"

I shut my mouth close. I nodded.

another BL story. [Completed ✔][Major Editing]Where stories live. Discover now