The tree

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Your point of view

Run. Run. Run. One foot after the other. Yes that's it. Crap a corner hold on me. I felt my legs burn as I put stress on them to slow down as fast as I could while I grabbed onto the wall to help myself turn as I ran from what I knew was still chasing me. My breath was coming out as gasps as I panted heavily exhausted from running for my life. My lungs burned as I ran but I knew this bit of pain was a lot better then what I would feel if that thing caught me. My eyes glanced around almost frantically as I looked for a way to get out or at the very least recognize where I was. But like usual I could not. Well might as well let my thoughts wander a bit and let myself ground my thoughts a bit as I run. After all if this is like my normal nightmares I should have a bit more time before it catches me.

Now I'm sure you all know about the tree. I know that tree. The one with the golden glowing apples and the dark black apples that seem to leach any light that is around them. Every one knows about this tree. People constantly come around to get a glimpse of it. To look at mysterious tree and its shocking fruits that it grew. But no one really got to close to it. They were all to scared. After all people who approached the tree do normally end up disappearing into thin air.
Me and my childhood friends loved playing in the area near by it. Perhaps it was a bit of the thrill of possible danger that drew us to it. But none of us really went up it it. Like everyone els we feared it. Even I did. 

(Short chapter I know. I just wanted to get in the bit about the tree and how the tree affected y/n while they were younger when they were a child. Will work on the next chapter soon. This one will be much longer.

Just a little heads up first few chapters I won't be using y/n a lot if at all since I'm just going over what has lead up to the moment that there in right now))

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