Prologue [Taylor]

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Project: Date A Nerd

©Copyright 2012. Tara and Anna



            One stupid idea, one thing that changes everything about me and my life, one stupid bet, and now my life will never be the same. This is a bet that it should have said no too, because of I let someone get way to close to me and past all my walls. 

            The roaring sound of the cafeteria surrounds me; I look around at the overly crowded room. My table is located just in the center of the room, around us the tables are: the “wannabes”, the Goths and emos, the skaters, the girls who sleep around, the nerds and geeks, the druggies, the bad boys, and the list goes on. I never really look outside of my clique, which is the popular one.

          I place my blonde hair over one shoulder and try to pay attention to what my friends are saying.

          “It was like so hard to believe!” Lucy says looking around at us all. The boys left a while ago to go practice football during lunch, so now it’s just the girls and me. Lucy is my long blonde haired, green eyed best friend. She is really nice and a little dumb at times.

            “I know I can’t believe he’d do that!” Ella says looking at me. Ella has long black hair and cool blue eyes. She looks like a bitch and it’s because she is one.  She is my fake best friend, which means she act like we are best friends but any chance she gets she stabs my in the back.

            Wait, why are they all looking at me? I blink a couple times and look around at all of the cheerleaders staring at me. “What guys?” I ask raising one of my thin, perfectly plucked eyebrows.

            “We were talking to you. Did you like space out on us again?” Lucy asks giving me a knowing look.

            “No,” I begin to say but they all give me looks saying they don’t believe me. “Okay a little bit, so what were we talking about?” I ask trying change the subject.

            “About how crazy and sad it is that Evan dumped you!” One cheerleader says and Lucy shoots me a sympathetic look. Yeah, so sad the captain of the football team and captain of the cheerleading scud breaks up. It’s just such a tragedy, note my sarcasm.

            “You guys were like the perfect couple,” a brunette says. Perfect? Perfect, our relationship was so far from perfect! Evan is tall, blonde and hot, but that’s it. He is just a stuck up, arrogant jock, that’s it, end of the story. 

            “Whose going be your prom date now?” Ella says with a smirk.

            “Anyone I want,” I say with a cocky smile.

            “Really?” she asks me surprised. “You can get any guy to go with you?” she adds with an evil smirk rising on her face.

            “Yeah,” I say trying to make it seem like I’m confident about that. I’m not though, I am pretty but, I know some guys don’t like me though.

            “Okay then, I makes you a bet, you take a guy of my choice, date him and make him prom King, but you cannot fall for him,” she says with a smirk.

            “Okay, what are the terms?” I ask raising an eyebrow.

            “You win I’ll give you 1,000 dollars, but if I win I get your captain spot,” she says. 1,000 dollars, Ella could do that, she is rich, and I could use the money. I will not let her win!

            “Deal,” I say with a smile. “Who’s the guy?” I ask looking around the room.

            “Hmmm…” she says as she looks around. “Him,” she says nodding towards the brown haired, brown eyed nerd with glasses.

            “John, the nerd?” I ask shock. Ella nods, I can do this it will not be that bad hopefully. “Ok, deal,” I say at least I know I won’t fall for him.



So here's our first chapter so far! We hope you're going to take a chance to read it but I hate to say this a cliché romance humor story. We hope you guys take a chance on this please? *puppy dog eyes* Comment below and tell us what you think. I know you love cliché romance stories! 


Love lots,


Tara and Anna <3

 P.S. To explain how the co-writing thing is working for those of you who do not know. We write in seperate POV's. 

Taylor's is written by Tara (TaraLDeclan)


John's is written by Anna (AWriterDreamer)

just thought I explain :)

Love tons,

Tara and Anna <3

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