I'm Not Invisible Anymore [John]

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Chapter One – I’m Not Invisible Anymore [John]

            I slightly adjust the glasses on the bridge of my nose to keep it from falling. Today is a really busy day for John Sparks. Yes, I am busy. When I say busy, I say I’m busy. A lot of paper work, lab reports and theses statements that need a lot of care from my terrible shaky hands. Not until I see a pointing finger from Ella Mildry, the classy socialite in this whole school. She has those perfect black hair when pulled up by the wind is like a bizarre.

            I take a good look at her, and her friend beside her, Taylor Anderson, the popular cheerleader of this school. The good thing is both of them did not notice I am looking at them. It would be totally odd if they know I am looking at them. I smell something fishy between them on how they look at me. I am not assuming though they are giving dirty looks on me. I can see the shock on Taylor’s amazingly gorgeous face. Her dirty blonde hair turns messy as she wants to fuss it around.

            Taylor is amazingly beautiful. She has those specks of her lovely cerulean eyes and her fine jawline that would want you gawk. Sad to say, I can’t like her. She belongs to the popular group while I belong to the not-popular-at-all-weak-group, for short, the nerd. She uses to date her boyfriend, Evan, but when I heard she’d been dumped, she needs to find someone to date this prom. Absolutely, many guys are dying to date her since she was still a freshman. She can easily get a date with tip of her fingers.

            I want to date her, but not in a way that she’d dump me. I want her to know my side if maybe, just maybe, it can change her mind. The bell rings awkwardly, signaling for the students to head back to classes. I heave a sigh and stand up, heading back to class.


            Class has ended uneventfully for me. I want to get more onto the discussion in my Physics class, how to get the radius when a pebble is thrown into the water. It just keeps my mood so much interesting. But, unfortunately, class has been dismissed. As I get out of the door, a familiar squeal throws out on my ear.

            “Hey!” she yells, looking at me intently with her cerulean eyes. It is Taylor’s eyes! It is Taylor’s voice! How can I not notice her? But the unbelievable fact is, she’s noticing me. I can hear the loud thumps of my heart.


            “Are you John Sparks? The head of the Student Body and other club and organizations?” she asks breathlessly, as if she is running a far distance from her seat to the door.


             I am head over heels in love with her. I definitely do, she has that mellifluous voice that can make your heart skip a beat for once.


             “Yes, how did you know my name?” I answer, keeping the shock on my voice.

            “You’re famous, idiot! Well, can I get a ride home with from you?”

            What more can I ask for? All I need to say is YES! I am totally happy. At least I am not invisible in her eyes anymore. I never feel so happy like this before. I nod as an approval. She tugs my shoulder, dragging me somewhere I don’t want to know.

            “Can you drive me? That would really be very sweet,” she says, giving out lopsided grin.

            She looks so beautiful with her impeccable smile. I smile at her back, feeling my braces peeling out of my teeth anymore. I open the door of the car for her, opening it so wide she doesn’t need to get a hard time getting inside. She sits down still with her smile which is so down-to-earth. I rev up the engine that will take us to her house.

            “So where’s your house?” I casually ask.

            “Can we got somewhere besides my house? Can I visit your house?” she replies, releasing out her cute puppy-dog eye effect.

            I softly knock on the door. My mother, Clarita, opens it with her smile so warm that makes you want to smile back.

            “Oh, you’re bringing a girl tonight for a dinner? That would be great, I cooked dinner. What a good timing John! I roasted some turkey and peeled some potatoes for it to be mashed,” she squeals and gets a good look on Taylor.

            “Which do you prefer? Mashed potatoes or French fries? I would be willingly cooking it for you!” she adds, looking at Taylor, asking her.

            “I would love to! Thank you so much, I’m Taylor Anderson. And to answer your question, I love mashed potatoes way better than French fries. Thank you so much for the warm welcome!” Taylor exclaims. She introduces herself and vice versa. I think this night will be the best nights ever in my whole life ever.

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