You've Been Warned [Taylor]

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Chapter Four - You've Been Warned [Taylor]

“You’re Insecure

Don’t know what for

You’re turning heads when you walk through the door

Don’t need make up

To cover up

Being the way that you are is enough

 Everyone else in the room can see it

Everyone else but you

Baby you light up my world like nobody else

The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed

But when you smile at the ground it ain’t hard to tell

You don’t know

Oh oh

You don’t know you’re beautiful”

            My eyes flutter open to the sound of ‘One Direction’ as my arm. I groan needing more sleep, but slide my legs out of the bed, running a hand through my blonde hair and stretching so that my back pops. I stand up and walk to my closet grabbing a jean skirt and white t-shirt along with a black leather jacket. I walk into my bathroom changing and brushing my teeth, then flat ironing my hair. I put on my make-up perfectly like always and then go back to my bed room slipping on my knee high, black, high heel boots. I grab my phone and sling my book bag over my shoulder and then stuff my phone in my jacket’s pocket.

            As I walk into the kitchen I see my grandma sitting at the kitchen table in a nightgown and fuzzy slippers with curlers in her gray hair. She is reading the newspaper with a cigarette in her hand. She doesn’t notice me grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge and apple from the sink. I head out the kitchen taking one last glance at her which pains me a little; because she has Alzheimer’s and can barely remember anything. My uncle is probably passed out on the couch and my aunt’s at the hospital.

            I step onto the front porch seeing Lucy’s black corvette sitting in the small driveway. I walk down and slip in the passenger seat, Lucy looks at me worriedly. She is the only one who knows about my personal life and I trust her not to tell anyone.

            “I’m fine,” I lie and she just releases a sigh and shrugs her shoulders backing out onto the road and driving away.

            My morning classes fly by and at the beginning of lunch I decide to swing by the library to finish some work. I find a desk and pull out one of my text books along with my notebook and begin to work. 15 or 20 minutes later, I hear someone breathing heavily in front of me so I look up and see Lucy standing there, her eyes is wide and her hair is falling from its bun.

            “What’s wrong, Lucy?” I ask shutting my book and note book and staring up at her worried face.

            “Evan… punched… John… for no reason,” she says between breaths and I gasp. I don’t know why in the hell I am suddenly so worried about John! Maybe I feel that if he gets hurt it’s my fault cause of the bet. Yeah, that’s it!

            “He what?” I ask, sounding kind of pissed.

            “He just punched John in the middle the cafeteria,” she says, sounding like she cannot believe it.

            “Where is he?” I ask through my teeth referring to Evan.

            “Office,” she says simply. I stuff my stuff into my back pack and sling it over my shoulder, storming out of the library and down the halls to the office. I lean against the wall beside the door waiting for him to come out.

            Why do I care? He’s a nerd I barely know! Er… all I know is Evan is not going keep messing with John, under my watch because I hate bulling! After a while the office doors swings open and Evan struts out, he has a smirk on his lips. I grab his arm catching him off guard causing him to lose balance allowing me to push him into the lockers.

            “What the hell?” he growls and then looks down seeing me and smirks. “Oh hey, Taylor!” he says.

            “Let me make this clear. Touch John again, I will personally make sure you will never get another girl in this school,” I say and my voice is deadly.

            His eyes widen. “Umm… Yeah-h, I mean y-yes,” he says stuttering. I nod and then smirk before walking away.

            Why’d I do that? Oh dang! At least I can scare the crap out of him on the bright side. I wonder if John is okay!

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