Chapter 1

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The airplane to Cairo, Egypt was long and agonizing. Sage couldn't possibly swallow down her excitement. After all the years she's been studying everything about Ancient Egypt, Sage can now finally see the real deal. She studied the basic lifestyle (clothing, traditions, etc) to the very complex rituals of burying the dead. She herself was half Egyptian. So coming back to Egypt felt like home. However, she's never really been to Egypt other then the times as she was a child. And as a child, she could barely remember details of the country. But coming back to Egypt has made her giddy and fidgety.

When the plane finally landed, Sage was the first to be out. Her team had flown earlier so they can start looking for things like tombs, cities, towns anything of that nature. It didn't take long for Sage to find the hotel she and her team was staying. It was like as if she had already visited this place.

When she reached the hotel, she checked in to her room and called her team.

"Hey guys," she said, "Did you find anything?"

"No. Not yet. Want us to keep lookin' boss?" A man said on the other line of the phone.

"No. Tyler it's fine. Tell Nat and the others to come back to the hotel. I don't want you guys to stay out too long," she sighed.

They said their goodbyes and hung up the phones. Sage rubbed her temples, she was tired and jet lagged. She walked over to her bed and plopped down. She let sleep take over, not worrying about anything right now. She was too tired to think. She was too tired to notice a shadowy figure behind her.

||the next day||

She met up with her team and discussed about the possible locations
that might have the tombs they're looking for.

"Maybe we should look near here. I heard some of the locals stumbled upon an ancient Egyptian city," Nat pointed to Sinai. "Maybe there we could find a tomb."

"We need to find an exact location in Sinai. It will take days, months, to look everywhere," Tyler countered, "We should play it safe and search-"

Before he could speak Sage abruptly interrupted him, "No, we leave for Sinai tomorrow. I will lead the way." Everyone looked at Sage. Something didn't seem right. She seemed dazed, her eyes solely focused on Sinai. It was abnormal to say the least.

Tyler stared at her for a few moments before saying, "Alright, looks like we're going to Sinai."

||Later that day||

Sage and her crew had finished packing up the necessary equipment for tomorrow. Packing took longer than she originally planned. Took all day. Now only a few more hours until tomorrow.


This was a stupid idea. She is going to Sinai without a proper plan. She didn't even know where to look! She let her emotions get the better of her. Maybe, they'll just go where Tyler recommended.

Sage sighed heavily. She made a rash decision. She was tired. She needed to sleep.

She approached Sinai. Traveled fifteen miles North. Two miles west. There, the mighty winds blew the sand away, revealing a whole ancient city that was buried underneath the sand. Close to the ancient city was a tomb hidden away.

Sage woke up. She woke up confused. Surprised. She got out of bed and found her map of Egypt. She let her finger glide along the map, showing her the path from her dream. It gave her a sense of familiarity. It gave her a certain warmth in her heart, a fuzzy feeling in her stomach and a slight blush dusted her cheeks. She smiled lightly before drawing the route to the city in her dreams. After that she went back to bed, feeling something fantastic was going to happen tomorrow. She knew it.

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