Chapter 8

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After months of waiting, you guys finally got your wish! I finally updated! Now, this might not last long because school is never-ending, but I'll try to write on Wednesday and Saturday and I'll post on Sunday

One more thing: when you see a character talking with parentheses like "(this)", that means they are speaking in another language, most likely Ancient Egyptian.

That's all I have to say for now, but thank you for being so patient with me. I'll try not to let you down again.


Sage watched in utter horror as her fellow colleague dropped to floor, looking like an old raisin. The rest of her team screamed in terror.

"W-What have you done?" Sage whispered.

"A small sacrifice was needed in order for me to return to my youth," Meketre answered. He looked towards Sage with curious eyes. "What is the matter my love?"

Sage stumbled backwards, almost retching in disgust as she watched patches of new skin run through the corpse of a pharaoh. Meketre reaches for her, but she pushes him away.

"Aneski, is something wrong?" Meketre asked. He grabs hold our her shoulders, his hands rise with new found muscle and skin but his face still has holes of decay.

Sage took in a shuddering breathe and looked at her team, quaking in fear as the undead sentinels surround them. She couldn't let them die right before her eyes. She needed to distract Meketre somehow. And suddenly, an idea popped up.

"Who am I?" Sage whispered to Meketre.

"You are the queen of course," Meketre smiled. "And the most beautiful and radiant wife I have."

"And as the queen of this land, I could give my own orders?"

He raised an eyebrow, "Not traditionally. I am the sole ruler of this land. My queen stands by me and gives her silent support." 

Sage bit her lip nervously, "But..." She grabbed his hands trying to show "affection". "Am I allowed to sway your judgment?" 

Meketre smirked, "Perhaps." 

Tyler pushed against the guards and screamed, "Sage what are you doing!" He tried all his might to push past the guards but just wasn't strong enough. "Don't do anything stupid!"

The pharaoh whipped his head towards Tyler. "How DARE you do speak to the queen with such blatant disrespect!" He snatched his hand away from Sage and walks towards Tyler. 

"(Dispose of him!)" Meketre spoke in Ancient Egyptian. 

The ancient guards grabbed Tyler and pushed him to the sandy ground. They pointed their spears all around Tyler's neck. 

"(No stop!)" Sage shouted in the ancient tongue. 

The guards stopped in their tracks. 

"(What are you doing my love?)" Meketre asked through gritted teeth. He grabbed Sage's arm and squeezed it tightly. 

"(They are my servants!)" Sage said in shaky confidence. She copied him and grabbed his still patchy arm. "(They know no better! Please do not hurt them!)

Meketre looked at her and then at the group of egyptologists quivering at their boots. 

"(Are you in truth? They are your servants?)" Meketre asked with nonexistent eyebrows raised. "(What about that one? Was he your servant too?)" The pharaoh pointed to Jack, the one who he sucked the youth from. 

Sage nodded her head. Meketre looked at her with a small smile. 

"Then I suppose you want them to come to no harm?" He said in English. 

"Yes," Sage pleaded. The guards pulled their spears away from Tyler's neck and stood straight, awaiting the next order.

Meketre went over to the fearful group and scanned over them. 

"(Give me this one!)" ordered in his native tongue and pointed to someone. 

Sage heard Natalie and the rest of her group scream in protest. She saw Memphis being dragged out of the circle and right in front of Meketre. Memphis looked so pale and weak. Sage suddenly remembered the poison coursing through his veins. 

"W-What are you doing with hi-" Sage's jaw dropped to the floor when Meketre sucked the youth of the dying Memphis. "No! Stop," She raced towards the decrepit body of her friend. She shakily touched Memphis dried up body and choked out a muffled sob. "I thought you said you wouldn't hurt-" She turned to Meketre and immediately stopped her sentence. 

Meketre's skin started to patch together, looking like actual healthy skin. His hair grew in record speed. He was a human. He is a human, or at least he looked like one. The old bandages were the only thing covering his naked body. 

Sage almost stopped breathing when she saw Meketre in his full human form. Her heart clenched tightly at the very sight. Her body once again started to hurt and tremble. She was going on autopilot. "M-Meketre..." Sage whispered. She approached him and held his cheek in her palm. Meketre leaned into the touch with a small smile. 

"Oh, how I missed your sweet touch," Meketre hummed pleasantly. He held Sage's hand and gently caressed it. "Now that I am fully rejuvenated, I have the power to rule over this land once again. I could build this kingdom far as any bird could fly!" Meketre picked Sage up and spun her around. "And with you by my side, we could rule for millenniums to come." 

Sage smiled brightly. But she paused for a moment. Why was she happy? This "man" killed two of her teammates, the people she promised to protect. 

"Now my love, we must go to my resting place. I must resurrect my guards and we will take hold of this new world." 

Sage paused at his word, "W-What do you mean 'take hold of this new world'?" Meketre only smiled and took her hand, pulling her towards the  pyramid. 

"No, stop!" Sage shouted. She pulled her hand away violently. Her head was throbbing and screaming for her to stop. Her body is shaking, as if rejecting the very blood that courses through her veins. This other person controlling her, this other mind that is fighting against her is fighting right now. It's saying to stop fighting Meketre. That he isn't a threat, he wouldn't dare to harm you. 

"I-I'm not the person you think I am," Sage whispered. 

Meketre cooed, "I know that you must find everything so . . . puzzling. But I will explain it when we come to my resting chambers, please."  He extended his hand to her lovingly.  

Sage glanced at her group nervously. That was all she cared about right now. Being with Meketre was dangerous and she couldn't risk the rest of her group, the hurt was too much for her. Her body was too busy fighting itself to think about her team and she was terribly guilty for it. 

"No, Meketre I can't," Sage muttered. 

"No?" Meeker craned his neck at her. "No?" His aurora seemed darker and it pierced through Sage's soul and maybe something deeper than that. 

His eyes held in a very old anger rumbling beneath his new skin. It was the start of some nightmare, only it wasn't a dream, it was real.  

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