Chapter 51

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Chapter 51

When Castle woke up for the 2nd time, at 7 in the morning, Kate was lying still, her arm across her face. She was deathly pale, and you could see the blue of her veins underneath her skin as if it were paper.

He felt that it would be terrible to wake her up just as she finally got to sleep and escaped her pain, but she had to go to a doctor. He couldn't let her just sit here, possibly on her death bed. The thought made ice run through Castle's veins, but she wasn't getting any better. He just couldn't lose here. It wasn't an option.

He climbed out of bed and ran a hand through his messy hair and went to the closet, throwing on a pair of jeans and a loose fitting shirt. He dug out Kate's skirt and one of Alexis' old shirts. Being careful not to wake her up yet, he slid on the clothes. He wanted to give her as much time as possible to get some rest before he got her into the car.

Quickly, he ran down to the kitchen and got Kate a glass of water. She hadn't had any food or water in 2 days, and he was starting to get worried.

When Castle got back into the bedroom, Kate wasn't there. His heart started pounding, his blood running cold. "Kate?!" He yelled, setting the cup down so hard on the table that the glass cracked and water spilled everywhere.

He dashed out of the bedroom just to see the bathroom door closed, no light coming from underneath. "Kate," Castle breathed, taking long strides until he got to the bathroom, opening the door to see her curled up into a ball in the corner. Castle kneeled down beside her shivering body, her hair was shielding her eyes from any light that was coming into the bathroom.

"Kate, we have to get you to the hospital." He said, his voice shaking despite the fact that he was trying to be strong for her. She weakly shook her head. "I d-don't n-need a d-doctor I'm f-fine." Her teeth were chattering, and beads of sweat were forming all over her. "No." He said sternly. "You are going to a doctor, wether you like it or not." She tried to shake her head more, but her body couldn't handle it. Too much movement all too fast.

Kate clutched her stomach and squeezed her eyes shut, her lips in a tight line. Castle took the opportunity to slip his hands under her and hoist her into his arms. She squeaked lightly, clutching his shirt so tight that her knuckles were white. "It'll be okay." He assured. But he was really talking to himself more than he was to her. He had never seen anyone get this sick with just the stomach flu. It was uncanny.

Castle was careful to keep his arms around her as he stepped down the stairs and into the living room. He slipped on a pair of sandals, not bothering to put any on Kate. He grabbed his car keys from the hallway table and opened the front door, stepping onto the porch and then closing it behind him.

As soon as he walked off the porch steps and onto the driveway, Kate whimpered, trying to shield her eyes from the light, but desperately clinging on to his shirt. He did his best to comfort her and make his way quickly to his car. He unlocked it and pulled the backdoor open. Castle gently set her on to the seat, pried her hands from his shirt and dug his sunglasses from the glove compartment, setting them on her face.

He hopped into the front seat and drove like a madman to the hospital. He already wasted so much time letting Kate lay in bed, having seizures and puking up the contents of her stomach. He needed to get her to someone who could make her better, take away the pain.

Castle sped through red lights, and past stop signs, somehow avoiding the police, and into the parking lot of the Hamptons Hospital. For some reason, he was a lot more panicky now than he was when she was asleep in his bed. His adrenaline was pumping and his heart was skipping beats. He hurriedly scooped Kate out of the back seat, her head lolling against his chest. She was unconscious. "No Kate! Stay awake!" Castle yelled, running with her in his arms towards the doors.

Castle burst inside, panting and red-faced, a sickly Kate limp in his grasp. "Nurse!" He called out. "Nurse, help!" He couldn't find any other words. He could barely iterate those two.

Suddenly, 3 women in blue scrubs ran up with a gurney, and pried Kate from Castle's unwilling arms, placing her on the hard cushion. Without one look back at Castle, who had to use every part of his will not to run after them, the nurses rolled Kate down the never ending hallway.


I am so sorry it took me so long to update my vacation was such a hassle and skiing was fab but I'm so soar and I don't want to go to school tomorrow and it's just ugh. Well I hope you enjoy this chapter so remember to vote, comment and tell your friends about this fic😘😘 ilysm

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