The funeral

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Dan's body lays resting in an casket.

Flowers and a small stuffed bear is on top of the casket.

"Mr. Lester would you like you begin?" The preacher says.

Phil walks up to the podium and begins.

"Daniel James Howell. A loving husband, and family member, and friend to many. The love of my life."

Tears began to find their way to Phil's eyes once again.

"When I met Dan , he was just a fan of mine. But after hanging out with him I started to realize I had fallen head over heals for him. Back in 2009 I had asked him out and we started to date for multiple years. Then in 2016 I asked him to be my husband. I loved him so much. I loved everything about him. From his smile to his dimples and the crinckles that form around his eyes when he smiles, his cute coyote laugh to his articulate speech.  His cute Hobbit hair that he recently learned to accept to his soft and delicate ways. I loved everything about Daniel Howell and I still do. "

Phil sighed and looked over at the casket ,

" When Dan was going through depression many years ago , I tried my very best to make sure he would feel better. I suppose I did the same when we found out Dan had got lung cancer. After a while Dan had accepted that all this would happen , but I never did, I still don't. But he looked so happy the day of his death. A smile rested on his lips and I knew that the pain was gone. Through everything we went through, I loved him and loved him and I lost him. And let me tell you.. it hurts like hell. But at least I know he's happy and in a better place and one day I will be with him again. "

Phil wiped his tears and cleared his throat ,

"Daniel James Howell, I will love you till my lungs give out and even after that I won't stop loving you."

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