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“Have you ever played basketball before?” Baekhyun puffed a breath of exhaustion as we watched Jihyun skillfully make yet another score.  So far, Baekhyun has made all our shots while I’m just, well, here.  Shamefully, I smiled and rubbed the bridge of my nose.

                “I don’t do any sports.  I’ve never liked them.”

                Baekhyun smiled and my heart raced. “Seems like you’ll have to learn soon, right?”

                “Have to?” I raised a brow at him. “What do you mean have to?”

                “Sports are stress relievers and can help build up confidence and sportsmanship.  That’s just my personal opinion.” Baekhyun averted his gaze from me. “But c’mon! We’re just three points away from winning.”

                “While we’re just two.” Kyuhyun winked at us and I glared at him.  He and Jihyun laughed and quietly whispered back and forth.  Deep inside, I kept praying that we lost.  There’s no way we can tell Baekhyun or anybody my secret.  That’ll be incredibly embarrassing, especially since “Hanako” does not exist anymore.

                Our next round of pool basket began and Baekhyun’s faster reflexes allowed him to catch the ball that was thrown into the air first.  I quickly swam closer to the net while holding my arms up, hoping that he’ll pass it to me.  There is no definite chance that I’ll catch it though, because Jihyun is in my way.

                “Are you even trying, Princess?” He inquired towards me over his shoulder.

                I didn’t answer him. Honestly, I didn’t know myself.  I want to win, but I want them to win even more.  Baekhyun can’t know. No one can know.

                I felt hot breath behind my ear and my blood went cold. “Mind if I replace you for a bit?”

                I recognized that voice.  That voice was deep, rich, and can seduce any girl he wanted.  That voice tortured me for all my life, and wanted me to end my life so many times.  It ruined me, but he doesn’t know that does he?

                I forced myself not to turn around.  I lowered my arms back into the water and slowly nodded while biting my lower lip.  I heard him grunt and step beside me until I moved out of his way and he replaced my spot.  I eyed his naked and wet back and quietly analyzed his lean and muscled complexion.  He didn’t get any taller, but I can tell he worked out even more by the rolling muscles underneath his skin. 

                “Yi Fan hyung, when did you get here?”

                “I arrived not long ago with Luhan and Zitao.” The deep-voiced giant replied to him.  I looked up and caught Kyuhyun’s eye and I frowned.  He appeared shocked but covered it up with a smile towards Yi Fan, or Kris as everyone calls him.

                I swam away and lifted myself out of the pool.  The four boys gathered together and conversed, but my shock of encountering my number one bully didn’t allow me to listen.  I wanted to get away from them, yet my mind and ears demanded otherwise.  I knew Kris was quite skilled in basketball and that only risked my secret spilling even further.  I sighed and quickly retrieved my towel, which I wrapped around me.  My hair dripped furiously as I watched the four of them and laughed at how short Baekhyun was compared to them.

                “Who are you?”

                I jumped at the sudden voice and met soft deer-like eyes.  Beside him stood a slightly shorter tan-skinned boy who had professionally-dyed blonde hair.  It suited him quite well.  The tan skinned one had dark circles underneath his eyes that I could remember even a million years from now.

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