As Pony was sleeping in her bed this morning, a sweet aroma filled the air of her tiny house, and Pony's eyes popped wide open.
She quickly sat up in confusion and she then turned to see Skye standing in front of her kitchen, attempting to cook something.
" Why are you here?" Pony questioned as she got out of her bed and walked up to him.
"My shoes are missing and I'm not leaving here till I get them back," Skye explained and he got out some glass plates and put them on the table.
As she looked down to his feet, she saw that he merely only had black socks on, and the socks even looked expensive.
Pony yawned, " That's it?"
Skye nodded and Pony saw that he was cooking pancakes.
She watched the dish sizzle and she felt the steam of the aroma crawl up into her nose like a snake.
" Did you take my shoes by any chance, beautiful?" Skye questioned as he turned to her.
Pony shook her head.
Skye sighed, " You sure?"
Pony nodded.
He continued to sigh as he put a few pancakes on the plates and he smirked to himself.
Pony sat down at the table and she started to quickly devour the pancakes.
Within one minute, Pony had finished the dish, and now she didn't feel so hot.
Skye blinked in surprised as he mumbled, " But you didn't even put the syrup on..."
Pony got up from the table and said with no emotion in her voice, " Thanks."
The thief sat down as started to eat his cooked meal he had just made and he took his time with eating it.
" So why do you have to stay here?" Pony questioned him in confusion.
" Because, I refuse to walk around anywhere shoeless! It's disgusting and those shoes were so beautiful too!" Skye complained.
Wow. He really isn't a morning person, Pony thought as her eyes widened.
Pony only muttered, " Someone sure is Mr. Feminine."
Skye had actually heard her and he gasped, " What?"
"Never mind," Pony said quickly and she turned for the door.
" You're going to leave me here all alone?" Skye asked her as he whimpered.
" Well, I got to work," Pony stated with her monotone voice.
Her phone suddenly started to ring and Pony sprinted up to the phone.
She grabbed it and said, " Hello?"
" Pony? It's Clair! Guess what?"
" What?"
" Kai asked me out! He is also staying in Mineral Town for a while! I can't believe it," Clair told her giggling.
" That's great."
" So, how is Skye?" Clair asked in her in a singing tone.
" He's good. Why?" Pony questioned with no emotion in her voice and she was oblivious to what Clair meant.
" You know what I mean! Are you guys going out yet?" Clair shouted into the phone and Pony could tell she was clenching her fists.
" Beautiful, who is on the phone?" Skye questioned with his smooth voice as he walked up to Pony.