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Winter had come by fast this year, which Pony didn't really mind, considering she loved the winter. Tiny beautiful white fluffy crystals fell from the sky, in other words snowflakes, but you get my drift, and the temperature was rather chilling at this time of year, not to mention a lonely season.

Well, it was now about two in the morning, and the Harvest Ranch house hold was all asleep. Pony slept peacefully in her bed, as Skye was moving constantly in his sleep while clenching onto a pillow.

The silvered hair man kept changing positions and he seemed very uncomfortable in his sleep.

Skye then fell off the bed as a thud was heard on the floor. He groaned as he held his head and got up drowsily.

"Ugh... Stupid Midnight... That darn bird might be dead, but he's haunting me in my dreams now! How annoying..." Skye whispered to himself as he tried to return back into his bed.

As he laid back into his bed, he saw from the corner of his eye a certain black shadow. His eyes widened as he immediately sprung up from his bed and sat up.

Yes, he saw him. Yes, he saw Midnight's spirit floating in the corner of the room, smirking evilly at Skye.

Skye winced as he thought he was hallucinating or just having another nightmare; however, the spirit crept closer towards Skye, and Skye got out of his bed while scowling.

"You don't scare me!" Skye whispered to the spirit fiercely, standing bravely, and the evil chicken only chuckled as Skye's boxers started to tear off slowly.

Skye winced as he panicked while he tried to stop his boxers from tearing and whispered annoyed to Midnight, "Stop it you stupid bird!"

He suddenly heard his wife groan in her sleep and she suddenly sat up in her bed. She could barley open her eyes since she was so drowsy and she yawned.

"Skye... What are you doing?" Pony questioned her husband drowsily, seeing that his hand was 'down' there, and Skye looked back at the wall seeing that Midnight's spirit had vanished.

He suddenly blushed as he realized where his hand was and he pulled it away.

"Beautiful! That bird! It's haunting me I tell you! HAUNTING ME!"

Pony stared at him with no emotion on her face and it was an awkward silence.

"You need to lay off the curry..." she muttered and then went back to sleep.

Skye sighed. I'm hungry...

He then went into the kitchen, but to his surprise, he saw a walking teddy bear looking through his fridge.

The silver haired man's jaw dropped as he twitched and he was utterly speechless.

"W-What the heck? GET OUT OF MY KITCHEN!" Skye roared and the bear turned around to see an angry dude.

The bear suddenly smirked and put a hand behind its back, revealing a butcher knife.

Skye gasped as he stepped back and the bear crept closer as it was chuckling.


Suddenly, Pony walked into the kitchen with no emotion on her face, and the bear immediately sat down, and it looked like a stuff animal.

"Skye, why are you yelling and why is the kid's teddy bear on the floor?" Pony questioned him tiredly.

Skye waved his arms around frantically and yelled, "That freaking bear tried to kill me, I swear! I-It was stealing food from our fridge and-and, it had a knife, and-and, what is this possessed, evil, thing doing here anyways?"

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