Silently Falling

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A.n.-Okay! So the girl in the picture box is Brandi,Okay? :) My new story! Don't know how much I can upload of this but I will try too alot! vOTES? mESSAGES? And I have no clue if i'm going to keep the title,Okay?


Brandi's POV

I woke up this morning and I wish I hadn't. I could hear fighting downstairs. Over me of course. My mom and step-dad never seem to stop fighting. Because of me.

Why? The same reason I haven't talked for the past six years. People call me 'mute' but I can talk. But if I have nothing nice to say why talk at all? Or simply because I have nothing to say at all. I climb from my bed and then I go and take a shower.

It seemed to have gotten really quiet as I got out and gotten dressed. I pull out a pair of fadded red skinny jeans and a black fitting v-neck. I put my white high top converse and I brush my curly black hair. I put a gray beanie on and I make sure I put my note book in my bag and go downstairs.

I see my mom Dianne and my Step-dad Marshall. I could see Marshalls son David playing with his small red fire truck and I had to smile.

''Morning Brandi.'' My mom says with hopeful eyes. Hopeful because she wants me to talk. I won't,and she knows that in the back of her head.

I give a small nod and I go and hug David. He gives a toothy grin and I smile at him. I remember how David used to beg me to read him a book. But he then learned I wouldn't and gave up. But somedays when my mom is reading him a book I'll come in a listen.

I itch my nose hitting the nose ring I've had for years. I wanted to tell David good-bye like most days but I didn't. I gave him a small pat on the back and I leave. My friend Krissy was waiting for my in her gray honda. Krissy understands why I don't talk because I wrote her the reason. I smile at Krissy and buckle up.

Krissy had light colored brown hair,also curly,and the most beautiful blue eyes. She's not shy at all but if you look at her you'd think she was.

''Morning Brandiwine.'' She says calling me the nickname she's called me sense second grade. I take the note pad from my bag and I write a reply. 'Hey Pumpkina. Morning.'

She grins at me and we head off to school. I listen as Krissy starts to sing along to some song by Taylor Swift. Yeah,She doesn't care who hears her. She'll sing loud and proud.

I gave a steady look at her outfit. A pair of cut-off black shorts,a white tank top and a pair of black flats. I see a small green hoodie with sharpie doodles on it in the back seat and I smile. I turn my gaze back to the road and I couldn't do anything but play with a strand of my hair.

I hate car rides. I have for awhile now....

I swallow hard and once we park the car I grab the bag and I go inside to my locker. I pull out my health books and I wanted to groan. I forgot that today we get new partners in health. So I won't be partners with Krissy anymore! I also remember that we would have to take care of a baby for who knows how long.

I puff my cheaks out but then I go to health with Krissy of my right. I go and sit down in our spots even if Mr.Mcroy will force us to change spots.

The class piles in as the tardy bell rings and I could see the new guy walk in. Red hair that is straight and he had.....Black or deep brown eyes?

I saw Mr.Mcroy walk in with his black hair slicked back and his dull brown eyes bord into us all.

''Okay class! New seats. Everyone stand up.'' He says looking us all over with a winning smiles. The whole class groans but does stand up and when Mr.Mcroy pointed to a seat we went to it. I saw that Krissy was pared up with a jock named Jared Roosin. I and the new boy where the only ones left. I didn't care though. I sit down in the chair on the left and he fills the seat on the right.

Mr.Mcroy grinned evily at us all. ''Okay! So next up is when the fun starts.'' He says going to a box full of fake babies who act like real babies...

I give Krissy a sad look but I could tell she didn't see it because she was giving goo-goo eyes to Jared.

Mr.Mcroy gave us all our babies and ours had a little pink outfit on so I took a shot to say it was a girl and not a boy. Everyone then started to complain about how they wanted the other gender and I saw how the teacher was growing annoyed.

''Oh,hush!'' He yells putting his hands in the air and glaring at everyone. But we didn't say anything. I give a small glance at the guy and I saw his eyes are a deep brown color you could get lost in. I also saw he had small black streaks in his hair but they didn't look like they where hand put in. Maybe they're natrul.

I shrug it off and I grab the baby. Dull black eyes and a pinkish-white top head and a up-pointing nose.

''What do you want to name her?'' He suddenly questions. I was shocked he talked. I couldn't help myself look at him some classes and I never saw him raise his hand and the teacher tried to get him to talk and he would shrug. I never judged him because that wouldn't make much sense.

I leaned over and I got my pen and note pad. 'I don't know. What do you want to name her?' I wrote. He raises and eye brow at me.

''You don't talk?''

I blush and I quickly scribble something down. 'No. Sorry. Not for the past six years.'

He frowns. ''Why?''

I wasn't ready to answer that so I simply give a shrug. He seems to understand I'm not comfy with the question so he sighs and gives up. ''Can you write down a name for the baby?'' He asks giving a small smile my way.

I give a crook smile but nod. 'I'll pick a name. But first,What's your name?'

He laughs and his dark brown eyes danced with laughter. ''Clay.''

I nod. I wanted to say 'Oh! Cool name!' But I didn't. I quickly write something down. 'Cool! My name's Brandi. How about we name her Airanna ?'

I've always loved that name. I don't know why but I always have. He smiles at me and nods. ''It's a pretty name.''

I was unsure if he ment Airanna is a pretty name or Brandi is a pretty name. He said in a sly way and I wasn't to comfy with it. At all.

''Brandi,Clay. Did you name the baby?'' Mr.Mcroy asks us. I nod and so does Clay.

''What's the name?'' He aks coming to our seats. ''Airanna.'' Clay says wiping a smile away.

The teacher nods and asks everyone else the same question. I turn my head and I saw that Krissy had gotten a boy and she grins at me and does a two thumbs up. I roll my eyes and turn back around.

I wasn't to happy about our seating arrangments. I want to sit with Krissy. Even if that means I have to raise a toy baby with her.

Once the bell comes to life I saw that Clay hadn't moved to touch the baby. I give a questioning glance and he shrugs. ''Call me when you want it to be my turn to take it home.'' And with that he leaves the class room and little toy baby Airanna. I grind my teeth and then I pick her up and I follow Krissy out of the classroom to her car. It was misty out,Like most days in Maine.

''What's your baby's name?'' She asks. I smile and write it down. 'Airanna.'

She gasps and smiles. ''It's so pretty! Jared picked our baby's name. His name is Blake.''

I roll my eyes. 'Cute boy name. Chill.'

She rolls her eyes in return and she drives us to my house. I go inside with Krissy on my heels and I don't bother with my mom. She has Marshall to deal with and I don't want to bother her with a fake baby.

I then remember how Clay said I could call him when I was ready for him to father the baby. But there's a problem.

He didn't give me a cell number!

I frown but shrug it off. I'll see him tomarrow. I'll write him for his number. I sit on my bed and my eyes widen as the the baby starts to cry. I take the small plastic keys from the baby's pouch and I stick the one that says 'FOOD' in it's mouth until it quiets down.

After a few hours Krissy goes home and all night long I got stuck to care for a baby that's a frickin' toy.

a.n.-Okay! is it? :) Messages?

Silently Falling (On Hold *Sorry!*)Where stories live. Discover now