Chapter 3

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Brandi's POV

I woke up to Marshall placing me in my bed and I could only fall back to sleep for an hour. I woke up at two in the morning and sense then I just started to roam the house. We live in a two story house that is a light shaded green with creaking white outter shades.

The grass was a beautiful shade of green but I was always the one to cut it and even then it was still a bit to wild. I strech and then I text Krissy even if it was still to early. I knew of a cafe' somewhere around here and I wanted to go. Just not by myself. I got her okay and I took a nice warm shower and then I got ready. An hour later Krissy was here and she looked annoyed and tired.

I only saw fog outside and I was okay with that. No rain. Yet. I grab some markers and some scrap paper and then I climb into her car and we drive down to that small cafe' that's open 24/7 mondays through fridays.

I unzip my striped hoodie I had forgotten about in my closet and I felt happy to know I had an extra one. Because,well,I'm not going to ware it anymore. Give it to someone who will ware it even if someone had thrown chewed up burgar at it. I told the school to throw it away though,So I don't think anyone will be waring it unless they get it from the dump

I felt my phone vibarate and I looked down to see my mom had texted me. Yes-My mom can text. She may be forthy-six but she had to learn how to text because of my untalking disability.

I open the text and read.

Where are you? I'm worried sick!-Mom.

I rub my temple and text back.

I couldn't sleep. Sorry. I'm with Krissy. We're going to that 24/7 open cafe'. Be home soon. Sorry to cause worries.-Brandi.

I press a button so the screen goes to my screen page and then I could only hear a hum or music so I turned it up. The song Your Guardian Angel started to play. I love this song. I think it's so sweet and I smile every time I hear it. Krissy gives me a side glance but shrugs and turns her attention back to the road.

I wanted to go swimming but I knew how cold the water would be. I love to swim-Or used to. I simply hang out with Krissy or go to school. But somedays I don't want to do either. I just want to lay in bed. Lay in bed and sleep. But I never can. We get to the cafe' and I go inside to see tired looking people or people who look like they have dranken to much coffee or swallowed to many hyper active pills.

Krissy wanders off to a small table for two and puts her head down. I felt bad for asking her to come but I didn't want to come alone. I'm the kind of person to hate to addmit to something like this but I was scared to come alone.

But I would never let anyone know. My mom may know I'm scared sometimes or even Marshall but I would never let Krissy,David,Or....Clay know. They would think I'm weak. I'm not. I'm not....

I order two large coffee's and I pay the casher fifteen dollars and twenty cents and then I go over to where Krissy is sitting. I put the steamy cup in front of her and I shake her lightly. She looks up and I could see how much she wanted to go home and back to bed.

I grab a sharpie and my scrap paper. 'Go home Krissy. I'll text Marshall to get me later on.' I write down for her. She seems uneasy about it but nods and leaves. I watch as she pulls out of the parking lot and my eyes followed her headlights until I could no longer see them. I watched her full cup of coffee for a moment but then I give a airless sigh and I take a sip. Why did I get two larges? After hers was half gone I took a sip of mine. I wanted to groan because my throat felt raw from drinking something so hot so many time.

I throw Krissy's away and I just take mine. I pull my phone out and I text Marshall's phone asking if he could come pick me up. After waiting twenty minutes and getting no reply I just crack my knuckles and I give a small wave to the casher and I head off into the darkness of maine. The street lamps only gave off so much lighting and even then it was still dark out. I started down the side walk but after mindless walking for a few minutes I could hear unsteady footsteps behind me. I started to wish I hadn't told Krissy to drive home because I had forgotten how scared I was to walk at night alone.

I was whimpering inward but on the outside I had on a brave face. Nothing would happen to me. Just a night owl like myself just going somewhere. But that didn't stop me from slightly picking up my pace. Quicker foot steps from behind me. I started to get more annoyed then scared. But with no voice what can I do?

I stop and swirl around only to come face-to-face with Clay. My eyes drifted down to what he held in his arms. Airanna. And her face was covered with sharpie doodles. Skulls,hearts,stars,you name it it's on there.

I was shocked to see that Clay was following me at this time at night. But I was also happy it wasn't some crazed lunitic with a butcher knife. I let my eyes drift back to his and I noticed that his eyes held alot of annoyance but also that he was happy.

I scribbal down the million dollar question of the night. 'Why are you following me Clay?'

He groans like I should already know why. ''Why?! WHY?! Because this tainted doll never shuts up!''

I wanted to laugh. But I didn't so I simply drew an evil smily face. Beat that! And he wanted to give the bloody doll to me.

But it didn't answer my question so I try again. 'But why are you following me? I'm not taking Airanna. It's not my turn. Tomarrow it.'

He grinds his teeth and I could see he was annoyed with me now.

I simply shrug. I give him a small pat on his chest and I turn and run away from him. The coffee spilled but didn't reach me. I didn't feel like flinging coffee all over me so I drop it and it lands with a hard 'Splash!' but I kept going. I could hear Clay running after me and fear griped my chest. I wasn't afraid of Clay-Maybe. But I always get scared when someone chases after me.  I suddenly had the urge to stop so I did. I was rooted to the ground and I wanted to run again. I started to panic but I felt a tad calmer but more annoyed when Clay thrusts Airanna in my under arm and walks away. Just like that. He was gone and I was able to walk again.

I was more then confused. Like-Terribaly confused of the decade.

My phone vibarated and I read the text.

Enjoy Baby Airanna

I grind my teeth and snap my keyboard shut. Stupid boy. I don't dislike him I hate him. He's a nasty tease and a nasty tease who lives in the shadows!

I shake my head violently and head home. I got there to see my mom and Marshall sitting in the living room with worried looks on their faces. I go over to them and sit on the couches arm rest. I grab my board and write down my worries. 'Mom? Marshall? Is everything okay? You look worried.'

They both hug me at the same time and kiss me all over. It got akward for me from that point on. I put the baby on the couch with a hard 'Thunk!' and it started to cry. I tried to get the plastic keys from it's pocket but I only came out with a small piece of paper. I started to read it,'What you get for not taking it earlier!'-Clay

I was beyond angry. If looks could kill from miles away Clay would be dead. And maybe anyone who lives near his house. I shake the ugly thought from my mind and I go to the attic and that's where Airanna slept all night. Where did I sleep? I didn't. I couldn't go to sleep even if I was tired. I couldn't shake the question I really wanted to know. How did Clay know where I was? He had to be following me. But how? I was in Krissy's car when we arrived. Did he just happen to be carring the baby and run into me?

Doesn't seem to possible. But I guess it could happen,Right? Maybe. In the third world of nut casses.

But I won't give up. Not by a long shot. I would write and write and write the question until Clay answered me.

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