Chapter 2

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Brandi's POV

My Ipod was blairing some song by Her Bright Skies and I was deadly tired. The baby is tainted. She never did stop crying. And now I had Marshall up my butt because of how he woke up a million times and then he got angry when I didn't answer him!

STUPID! I haven't talked in SIX YEARS!

But now I got stuck riding on the bus and everyone sent me hating looks. I don't have many friends. Mostly because people think I'm different. I grab my note pad and I scribbal down a angry comment.

'What! Look somewhere else! It's for a health project!'

People snicker and turn their attention else were. I have to get Clay's number. I can't take another night without sleep. I'll take the baby back tomarrow if Clay will just take him tonight. And the worst thing is that the baby is a bloody toy!

A girl named Delilah Brooks flops down next to me and sneers at me. ''Ew! Look what the dog brung in!'' She says getting everyone to laugh. I knew she was talking about me. She and I have known eachother sense pre-K and yet she still acts like this towards me. And now it's worse because she knows I won't answer her.

''What? You won't talk?'' She snickers. I knew it wouldn't do anything but I write her a message.

'Eveyone reads you like an open book. And BTW I can only hear half of what you're saying anyway. See those white things falling from my ears? I'm listening to music.''

She rips the paper a bunch of times and then she tares the ear buds from my ears. I wince and I glare at her. I wanted to scream at her but I saw the bus driver looking at us,daring us to go further.

I grab my ear buds back and I put it in my bag. I push past her and I go inside the school. I put Airanna in my bag and I go to my locker. My eye lids drooped and I almost fell alseep but the tardy bell rung so I was now wide away. I did fall asleep!

I grab baby Airanna and my books and rush to health,again I have it for first block.

I saw everyone was already with their partners so I slid into my seat next to Clay.

''Sleep well?'' Clay asks looking at the bags under my eyes. I have Insomnia so I have trouble sleeping already and I really don't need some toy baby keeping me up also.

I frown and I shake my head back and forth. I put Airanna on the two person table and then I take my pen and paper out and I scarwl something down for Clay.

'What's your cell number,Clay?' I write down giving Airanna a death glare. Stupid toy. Should have thrown it down a well or something.

Clay starts to chuckle but writes the number down. ''I'm guessing you want me to take baby Airanna with me?'' He snickers.

I simply nod and start to rub both my temples. I'm so tired I think I could fall alseep right now without any problems.

I close my eyes for a short second and the next thing I know I'm falling over and I land on the ground. Everyone starts to laugh and I flick strands of curly hair from my eyes. I wanted to yell them to stop but I didn't. Krissy came over with a worried look on her face. ''Are you Okay,Brandiwine?'' She asks trying to have a teasing eadge to her voice but I could see right through it.

I stand up to see the teacher writing a nurses pass for me. ''Get some sleep Brandi. I'll get Clay to come get you when the bell rings.'' He says and then tells Krissy to take me to the nurse.

I simply nod and grab my bag. I wasn't too tired now,I wanted to get some freshair because now I felt trapt. Like I couldn't see what was happening to me. And then memories came back. Memories that happened six years ago.

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