Grocery Shopping Disaster

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Chapter 3

As we walked down the halls to the gate, Seth started talking again, "So, uh, when will you be buying Xandra's stuff?"

Wow, 'you?' Its as if he's expecting me to do all this alone.

"I was um, planning to do it tonight actually. I could just walk there before I get home."

At least drive me to Walmart.

"Oh," he said, pausing a little then gently handing me 'our child'. "You take care of her tonight."

Then, he turned around and walked down the street towards the carpark, where he parked his jet black audi his dad bought him before school started as a gift.

Aish, that arrogant boy.

I watched him drive away and sighed. I guess I'll be doing this alone then.

I looked at my robotic 'baby' and smiled, she was beautiful. For a robotic baby, she looked really realistic; big round green eyes and long lashes, thin pink lips and dark hair, just like his father's.

Wait, what am I saying? He's not her real father. She's not even real!

Of course, Seth has dark hair, but he dyes it frequently.

Why am I thinking about him? Argh. Shut up.

As I was just about to walk out, a hand touched my shoulder. "Heading to the mall?"

I turned around and saw Raziel, also cradling his baby.

"Oh, yeah." I said, blushing. He looked so cute, carrying the baby and all.

"Come on, let's go together. I was supposed to go with her, but I didn't want her with me," he said 'her' reffering to Tiffany. "I don't know what to buy for Alex, and shopping alone is boring, so maybe you'd like to accompany me?"

"Alex?" I asked, "Who's that?"

He laughed, "That's our baby's name. Alexander."

Woah! "Ours is Xandra. That's coincidental. Maybe you and Seth really are twins."

He looked away, "Actually, Tiffany thought of the name. She said Xandra was Seth's favorite name, so since ours was a boy, she named him Alexander."

I started laughing, I can't believe she's so desperate! My stomach started hurting so I crouched down while holding Xandra, like how I usually laugh.

Apparantly I laughed too hard, and Xandra started crying. I immediately stood up, worried, and rocked her back and forth.

"Shh, Xandra, mommy's here," I cooed.

Luckily she quited down after that, and Raziel snapped me back to my senses. "So, uhh, shall we go?"

I nodded my head and we walked towards his car.

As we came inside, I saw how he struggled in holding Alex. "Hey, won't it be hard to drive and hold the baby?"

He laughed, "Oh, that's okay. I've tried it before when we were babysitting our cousin Alysa last summer."

I trusted Raziel with all my heart, so I just nodded in approval as he drove out of the school parking lot.

Seths PoV

As I arrive home, I thought about Cassandra. Was she okay? Isn't it too hard for her to shop and take care of the baby at the same time?

I know what you're thinking, I was the one who left her alone, so why am I so concerned? Well, first of all, I really like her. And secondly, I couldn't drop my bad boy act. I can't show her I'm vulnerable. That can't happen.

But she makes me vulnerable.

The gates to our house open and I drive in and park my car. I turn off the engine and walk inside.

As expected, my parents weren't home.

I sighed, walking towards the spotless kitchen. The maids probably retired to their rooms, so I decided to make a quick dinner for myself: cereal.

I take the cereal from the cabinet and go to the fridge to find no milk. Guess I'll have to go buy some then.

I head out to my car again and drive out on my way to the mall.

Cassandra's PoV

We walked in the mall and decided to get groceries first.

We walked in the grocery store and got a cart with a twin stroller, and Raziel pushed the cart.

"So, what should we get first?"

I thought for a while. Good point. We needed some baby food, milk, and things like that.

"How about we get some baby food first?" I suggested.

He nodded his head and pushed the cart towards the baby food aisle. How do they expect mothers to get baby food from the top aisle? This is stupid.

While I was thinking of how to get the food, a pair of arms suddenly carried me up and I was startled.

"Hey!" I looked down to see it was Raziel.

"Grab as much as you can, as fast as you can. You're heavier than I thought," he said, struggling to keep me upright.

Before I could grab one jar, my clumsiness got the best of me and Raziel's grip slipped off, and I went plunging down.

Here goes my first broken bone.

But instead of hitting the ground forcefully, I was caught by someone.



Raziel. He... he catched me.


I was suddenly dropped on the floor, but it probably hurt less because it was only like, a foot drop or something.

"Next time you do an exhibition, make sure you know exactly how things will turn out."

I groaned and massaged my head, which hurt from falling hard on the ground. I slowly opened my  eyes. That certainly wasn't  Raziel.

So... it was...


"What are you doing here?" Raziel asked. "Didn't you go home early?"

Seth smirked, walking towards Raziel and pushed on his shoulder. "How about you? Going around the mall stealing my woman."

I stood there dumbfounded. What the hell were they saying?

"Well I'm just accompanying your woman to buy things for your child. The woman you abandoned in front of the school car park to go grocery shopping by herself whilst taking care of a baby! You insensitive brat."

Seth looked at Raziel spitefully, "You stay away from her."

He started for the cart, took Xandra in his arms and started walking away. I looked to Raziel apologetically and he just smirked and waved, pushing the cart in the other direction.

I started jogging towards Seth, "Hey, Seth wait up!"

He continued walking towards the exit of the mall.

"Seth," I yelled. "I haven't bought stuff for Xandra yet!"

He turned around, face emotionless yet eyes filled with burning anger. "I'm going home, and I'm taking Xandra with me. Go ahead and finish shopping."

I looked at him once more before he turned away. "Seth what's up with--"

"Go spend the night with dream boy if you want to."

He started walking out the mall, cradling Xandra as he made his way to where he parked his audi. 

And as I stood there, not yet sure what just happened, I watched him drive away.

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