Disclaimer: I do not own the picture. All credits goes to the original owner/s.
I forgot to tell you, yesterday when we went biking, we stopped by at our house because my mom have something for a treat. I also told my parents that I'll be staying at Chloe's until the end of summer vacation, and they agreed! Knew it! Now that simply made me happy.
Anyway, I'm done taking a bath, we're done with breakfast and lunch, and right now it's 4PM. I'm just in the living room with Chloe, waiting for anything that might happen. Suddenly, I hear a basketball stomp the ground. I looked outside from the window, and I saw two boys with Rene. Who could they be?
I stopped looking at the window and continued doing my own stuff, but then Chloe looked at the window as well and she went outside and called them.
Chloe: Jeremy and Ray, after such a long time you have finally returned! What happened?
Jeremy: nothing, to be honest! We just have to take a rest after all the energy we spent from bonding and doing fun stuff with you.
Ray: also, mom pretty much kept us..? Not like she doesn't want us to go here but, she also thinks we need a rest.
Chloe: and you finally managed to get outside?
Jeremy: yep, fresh and alive. *dribbles the ball and shoots it in the ring perfectly*
Ray: that's amazing, bro!
Chloe: *clapping*
Jeremy: you should learn how to shoot the ball, Ray.
Ray: someday, someday. You're too good!
Jeremy: all it needs is just practice.
Rene: hey guys, let's play a little bit of basketball!
Jeremy: oh why, sure! Two on one!
Rene: I'm in! I'll be teaming with Ray.
Ray: alright then! Let's do this!I was watching the boys play basketball. Oh, so Jeremy and Ray are the cousins Chloe is talking about. Finally, now I know who they are and how they look like.
Anyway, while I was watching them play basketball, let me tell you, I feel like Jeremy is the most skilled among all of them. Not because he's the tallest too but, I mean, look! His opponents can barely steal the ball from him, and he's good at making a confusion. He's also a fast runner too. Jeremy has the potentials of becoming a good player.Chloe: earth to Emily!
Emily: o-oh! *to Chloe* w-what's wrong, Chloe..?
Chloe: what are you doing?
Emily: I'm watching the guys play basketball!
Chloe: are you sure you're looking at all of them? You're totally eyeing on Jeremy.
Emily: *facepalm* Chloe, it's not like that. Can't you see? He's like, the greatest player! He's so good!
Chloe: of course, Jeremy is good! But let me tell you, that cousin of mine, has a little boast in him. Don't worry, he's still nice.
Emily: thanks for the heads up.
Chloe: no problem!The boys finished playing basketball, and I really can't tell who's the winner because they never said anything. At the same time, it's not a serious game or fight, or round, or.. whatever.
They all went inside Chloe's house, drinking water and taking a little break.
Jeremy: c'mon, let's do something fun!
Chloe: what are we gonna do? Play games again?
Jeremy: of couuuurse.
Rene: hey Jeremy, remember how we used to play hopscotch so much as children?
Jeremy: yeah, of course!
Ray: also, remember when we ate a lot of chips and the drink is iced tea? Talk about binge life!
Chloe: I remember all of that! Especially in Christmas when we go to Jeremy's house.
Emily: wow, you guys done a lot together.. I'm pretty jealous.
Chloe: why so?
Emily: I don't know.. at occasions like Christmas or New Year, I don't really have any nearby friends. My friends from school, I can't see them.. I'm sort of, alone.
Ray: aw, that feels really bad and lonely. What's your name?
Emily: I'm Emily! Chloe's cousin.
Jeremy: I guess you heard my name, it's Jeremy. And we're Chloe's cousins too!
Emily: yeah! She talked to me about you guys yesterday. It's so nice to meet you!
Jeremy and Ray: so nice to meet you too!
Rene: so what should we do for fun?
Chloe: I don't know, guys. But let's plan it in the grass outside.

My Summer Romance: A Short Story ✔️ {#WATTYS2017}
Teen FictionEmily Sanders is a quiet and introverted girl who is satisfied by a simple life of gadgets and internet friends. But in this year's summer vacation in Malibu, everything about her and her lifestyle changed. Less gadgets, and more real life friends...