Disclaimer: I do not own the picture. All credits goes to the original owner/s.
The next day...
Ugh, I'm still overthinking about the message! It's stuck in my head, no matter what I'm doing or distraction is in front of me! I'm eating breakfast, the message is in my head. And that message somehow made me feel... I don't know. It made me feel like Jeremy is something else, and that there's just something more about him. His side, that he never shows to anyone.
It also made me feel like I want to keep seeing him everyday. I mean, that compliment really enlightened me. That only proves Jeremy's kindness and honesty, which are two traits of being a good friend and a person. After that compliment he gave me, I'm dying to see him! It's just morning and I'm already checking outside from the window, to see if he's coming here.Also, Jeremy is Chloe's cousin. They have known and spent so many times with each other, so she wouldn't bother me asking a lot of questions about him. Like, I don't even have to stalk Jeremy's accounts just to get to know about him. Because I have my own source, and that is Chloe.
Emily: I'm not scared to admit this to you but, after that night message.. I'm just dying to see Jeremy again. I wanted to see him everyday, and I'll never stop, and I'll never get tired!
Chloe: whoa whoa whoa, calm down, Emi! I understand, but please tone down a little.. Rene and dad is still sleeping.
Emily: oh yeah, I forgot. *whispers* sorry!
Chloe: *laughs* well Emily, it's obvious that Jeremy got his charm. What does he have that you're so attracted into? Or like, what do you like about him?
Emily: his height, his humor, his voice, his personality, his face, himself.. and when he plays basketball.
Chloe: *laughs* I knew it! A guy who plays basketball are most of the girls' type. Anyway, did you just mention his face? So you're saying he's handsome?
Emily: *blushes and scratches head* definitely..! When he called me beautiful last night, I also wanted to admit that he's good-looking as a response and a compliment back.. but I'm too scared.
Chloe: aw, you don't have to be scared, Emily! I'm sure he's scared too, but he mustered up some courage to get to admit what he wants to admit. You should do that too!
Emily: y'know what? You're an expert, and my source for getting to know Jeremy. I could use you everyday.
Chloe: so.. any new responses from him?
Emily: I don't know, I haven't opened my phone yet.. does Jeremy only go here in 3PM something?
Chloe: nope. He mostly visits here in the morning. Just to drop off something! So if you want to see him early, rise up when I wake up.~
Emily: oh man, that would be hard for me. The bed is too comfortable for me to get up!
Chloe: *laughs* relatable!
Emily: and the weather is so evil. Come on, we didn't get to play yesterday! We need a chance today!
Chloe: back to childhood vibes!
Emily: I know right.The conversation ended there. Chloe started to do household chores, and I had nothing better to do, so I just opened my phone and check some updates. Also, I might have some unread messages from Sheena and Hayley.
I opened messenger, and I have messages from Sheena and Hayley. Knew it, bruh! Hm, me and Sheena like.. talk frequently. Let me reply to Hayley first, she needs it this time.
Hayley: u-uh, h-hi..!
Emily: hello!
Hayley: so uh, how are you doing?
Emily: I'm fine! Let me tell you, it's so fun here!
Hayley: yeah, lucky you.. while me, I'm just all alone..
Emily: are we gonna go through this topic again, Hayley? Cheer up and put more positive vibes. Last schoolyear is crappy, but that doesn't mean next schoolyear is gonna be crappy again.
Hayley: yeah, I know.. I'm just scared.
Emily: wash your fear away. There's always someone who secretly cares for you!
Hayley: heh, thanks Emily..! I really needed that.. well, I hope school this year will be better.
Emily: there's always a second chance for you to make amends and fix the mess.
Hayley: anyway, are you still in Malibu..?
Emily: yep! And if I'm lucky enough, I'll just live here and never come back!
Hayley: um, you're joking right?
Emily: ha, in the "never come back" part! But living here, it's one of my decisions.
Hayley: aw man..
Emily: but, vice versa! If we live here, we'll be having a summer vacation there in LA!
Hayley: I guess that's better to hear...
Emily: anyway, Sheena is texting me. I got to go!
Hayley: oh, alright then! See you later, I guess?
Emily: see you later!

My Summer Romance: A Short Story ✔️ {#WATTYS2017}
Teen FictionEmily Sanders is a quiet and introverted girl who is satisfied by a simple life of gadgets and internet friends. But in this year's summer vacation in Malibu, everything about her and her lifestyle changed. Less gadgets, and more real life friends...