Disclaimer: I do not own any of the pictures. All credits goes to the original owner/s.
I biked quickly to my house, rushing to get to my destination because I never know if it's gonna rain and if it will I don't know when it will start. I can bike with one hand and the other is used for an umbrella but, that will be a real struggle for me so maybe.. I'll just see to it and make it REALLY fast.
The other night my parents called me; they were making a complete joke about an assumption saying that I don't miss them. I DO miss my parents, of course! So for this visit, I won't only get my clothes, I'll storytell them too everything that happened. But I still have to make it quick.
Emily: *arrives in my house* *knocks then goes inside* hey mom!
Mom: oh, hi Emi! *hugs Emily*
Emily: *hugs back and releases* where are the clothes and underwear put?
Mom: they're inside me and your dad's bedroom, your dad's inside. He's asleep.
Emily: *nods* *goes upstairs to her parents' house* *looks at her dad* he's in deep sleep, huh? Well, I'll try to get the clothes without waking him up. *takes the clothes and about to exit the room*
Dad: *wakes up* *surprised* whoa! Hey Emily, I never noticed you.
Emily: *chuckles* hey dad! I was just about to leave.
Dad: what were you here for?
Emily: taking some underwear and clothes. I'm running out of underwear and clothes there..
Dad: you should have brought your laundry!
Emily: oohhh.. *slowly facepalms* I forgot.. Well, I'll visit here again tomorrow and bring them.
Dad: so.. You're really happy there in Chloe, I see?
Emily: *chuckles* I swear, if we build a house here and finish it I'm living here and never gonna return to LA ever again.
Dad: *laughs* ha!
Emily: if only I knew it's gonna be so fun in here..
Dad: don't worry, maybe next time. *smiles*
Emily: by the way, I have lots of stories to tell you!I started storytelling my dad everything that happened in there. Yes, literally everything. From the first day we started our daily playing routine, until now. My dad said I have so many stories, which proves that I really enjoyed my vacation here in Malibu. But that happiness is not gonna last, once we go home in LA.
Emily: by the way, Natasha really knows how to annoy me sometimes.
Dad: *laughing* oh, that crazy girl. Why?
Emily: awhile ago, when we are playing hide and seek, me and Jeremy were together, just the two of us. The others followed, and we told them to stop following us. Because you know, when everyone stays together in hide and seek, when one is found, the others are affected! Then Natasha just said that me and Jeremy are dating!
Dad: *laughing*
Emily: *laughs as well* that girl's really crazy and annoying, but I love her very much.
Mom: *comes upstairs* what was that?
Dad: Emi said that awhile ago when they are playing hide and seek, she and Jeremy are together, and Natasha said that they are dating. *laughs*
Mom: *laughs* well, are you and Jeremy really dating?
Emily: whAT?! No! You know I wouldn't do that, mom. I like to put my studies into priority first rather than love life. *in mind* sorry for lying, mom and dad.
Mom: good, good.
Dad: make sure you promise that to us, Emily.
Emily: *nods* I guess I can keep a promise.
Dad: well, what else?
Emily: when hiding, me, Jeremy, and Natasha are always together. So Chloe became strict, and told us that we can't hide TOGETHER.
Mom: oh, that's what you get. *chuckles* maybe because you hide in places that are too far away!
Emily: maybe. In one game, I was supposed to hide all by myself. But then Jeremy followed me!
Dad: I think Jeremy has a crush on you. *chuckles*
Emily: *ignores it* when Jeremy followed me, Natasha followed Jeremy. So it's three of us together.. AGAIN.
Mom: your dad's right, Jeremy probably has a crush on you.
Emily: WHAT? If you're there, you'd notice that me and Jeremy are always together..
Dad: uh huh?
Emily: yeah! At the same time, that guy's like.. so good at everything! He's good at basketball, and awhile ago, when he and Rene are battling each other as a little game, he's using the toy sword and yet, he's so good!! He can spin it around like *insert sound effect here* and.. What the heck. Like what I said, he's good at everything.
Mom: he's also really handsome, right?
Emily: mom!
Mom: do you have a crush on him?
Emily: ....
Mom: admit it, Emily. It's okay!
Emily: *softly* y-yeah..
Mom and Dad: ayieeee!!!
Emily: shh!!
Mom: maybe that's the reason why you want to enroll in a school here, because you have a crush!
Emily: no! I want to enroll in a school here because I don't feel lonely here. I feel a lot happier here, unlike in LA.
Dad: anyway, anything else you'd like to add?
Emily: hm.. Nothing really.
Dad: well, go home in Chloe's now! It's almost nighttime, it's gonna be hard for you to bike back in there.
Emily: alright then! I'll visit again tomorrow.
Mom and Dad: bye!!
Emily: bye!

My Summer Romance: A Short Story ✔️ {#WATTYS2017}
Teen FictionEmily Sanders is a quiet and introverted girl who is satisfied by a simple life of gadgets and internet friends. But in this year's summer vacation in Malibu, everything about her and her lifestyle changed. Less gadgets, and more real life friends...