Chapter 1

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Clarke POV.

We all have been down here for seven days now. So far, everything down her on earth have been really good. I really do love it down here. It's so diffrent compared with the ark. Living on the ark felt like living in a prison. Well, I did live in a prison. But down here, I feel free. Like I can do anything and everything.

I've made some friends so far. There name is, Monty, Jasper, Finn and Octavia.. I would say that Octavia is my best friend. I really like Octavia's personality. Because she always do whatever she wants. She never listen to her brother Bellamy, even if he just want to protect her. The way I see it, he is overprotective when it comes to her. On the ark, there were this rule that every parents are only aloud to have one child. I really do think that it is one of the most dumbest rule one the ark. But I also do understand why the have that kind of rule. Octavia's mother kept Octavia looked up under the floor for sixteen years. Bellamy kinda raised her. When the gaurdes found out about Octavia the floated her mother and put Octavia in prison. So for a whole year Bellamy was alone. In my opinion, Bellamy is an asshole.

I was inturruped in my thought by someone in camp calling my name. It's always somebody that needs help. They all are really dumb. In someway, they always seems to hurt themself in some really stupid way. Octavia came out rushing from the dropship. I could tell that she was really angry.

-Hi O. What's happening?

-Uh, you have to help me with my brother. She said angry

-Okay? I thought that you were hurt or something because you was calling my name. Everybody does that when they hurt themself or each other.

-Yeah yeah, whatever. Can you just help me with him? He is a such moron.

-What has he done this time?

-He doesn't let me out of camp. I can't even sneak out. It's like he follow every move I take, just to keep me inside here so that nothing terrible is going to happen to me! Can you belive it? It's so frustrating. Something is wrong with him!

-Fine. Follow me. I said and turned around. I walked over camp to the gate there Atom where. We always have gaurds at the gate. Just in case something would happen.

-Hey Atom, come here! I said a little to harsh, even if I didn't mean it. Octavia was standing right beside me.

-I need to get some medical herbs. We are running out of that. I need to have some before it's all gone. You know? So let us out please. Like right now! I said. Atom looked at Octavia who who still was standing beside me.

-No, can't let you do that. Bellamy have gived me orders not to let Octavia out, and you.

-Oh please. Are you kidding me? Why does everybody listen to Bellamy? Wasn't he the one that told us all that we could do 'whatever the hell we want'? And the way I see it, he's not in charge off me.

-Well yeah?

-Well then, let us out. You all might listen to Bellamy, but he is not in charge when it comes to me. We can do whatever the hell we want. So step beside! I said really harsh this time. I took Octavia's wrist and dragged her out with me. We walked for a couple minutes before I stoped and looked at Octavia. I could hear Atom yelling "I'll tell Bellamy that you two left. And I can promise you that he won't be happy!". I yell back "Whatever"

-Wow, thanks Clarke. That was really cool.

-No problem. Even I need to take a break from the camp. It's so stressful in camp. Lets just have some girl time, if you want?

-Yes, sounds good! Octavia said happily

-Well come on. I will show you the lake. It's pretty beautiful. I know you will like it.

Me and Octavia are wandering in the woods on the way to the lake. I really love the lake. Everyday that keps coming, suprises me even more. I mean, just two days ago I find this lake that me and Octavia are heading to right now. The lake is the most beautiful place I ever have been at so far.

Bellamy POV.

It was never meant that I was going down to earth with the rest of the hundred. The only reason I came down here was Octavia. I couldn't let the Ark sends down my little baby sister here alone.

I do think that all the hundred teenagers has accept me as their leader. They all listening to me and I like it. For once I can actually be in charge. Well, except Clarke Griffin. She never listen and she is so stubborn. She always needs to argue about everything that she doesn't like. Or those things that she thinks I'm doing wrong.

-Hey, Bellamy!? I turned around and saw Atom

-Yeah Atom? What is it? I said harsh. I wasn't really in the mood. I really don't know why.

-You might should think about what you told everybody. He said and smirk

-What are you talking about? I'm not in the mood now.

-Whatever the hell we want, huh?

-Yeah? What is it about that? We don't have to listen to Clarke. We can just have fun down here. There is no adults down here on earth that tells us what we are should do and not do.

-Clarke and Octavia ran from the camp. They can do "whatever the hell they want". I know that you want to take care of Octavia. But you should consider about that part. By the way, they are coming back later. Don't worry.

-Octavia did what? I yelled

-Take it easy Bellamy. Atom snap

-Are you dead serious? Why am I going to take it easy? When I know that my little sister is out there alone?

-Don't forgett that she is with Clarke.

-Doesn't matter. She shouldn't be out there alone. For how long have they been gone?

-Erm, around four hours.

-And you are telling me this now? You are unbeliveblie!


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