Chapter 8

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Octavia POV.
The rest of the hunting group has been home for a couple of hours now. But we haven't seen Bellamy or Miller. And that made me really worried. Special because I know that Atom is hiding something from me. And I don't like it when people are hiding things from. Special when it has something to do with my family. And Bellamy is my family. So Atom better tell me soon, really soon.

-Octavia, Octavia! Jasper came running into the dropship.

-What is it now? I asked

-Miller and Bellamy are back. And you can't guess what they or who they found!

-Is this "what or who" they found Clarke?

-Go and found out by yourself.

-Yeeeees, finally she's back. I gotta go! Thanks Jasper for telling me. Never been so happy!

-Yeah, please don't be to excited. She's unconscious. Well, that's what Bellamy and Miller says. But as I said. Go to her.

-I will.

I was just going to go outside the dropship when Bellamy and Miller came in. Finally! Jasper was right, it's Clarke. But he's also right about Clarke being unconscious. She's not moving or anything. Bellamy layed Clarke down on the makeshift table. Her skin looked so pale and she looked so skinny. She's probably haven't eaten something sence she disappeared.

-Bell, where did you two find her? When did you find her? Were she like this when you find her? Have she said anything? Or have she-

-Please take a deep breath O. She was like this when we find her. She was in a hole. She didn't move. But we heard someone scream. And when we find her unconscious. And we don't know for how long she has been like this. We really don't know. And I think that you should let her rest for a while now. Don't you agree? That's the best we can do right now. She isn't injured or anything. Right? Bellamy said.

-Bell! You like her!

-No, I don't! He snaped

-Oh yeah. He totally have a big crush on "his princess". He even admit it when we were on our way back to camp. He's even denying it that he said that he love her. Miller said.

-Bellamy loves Clarke. Bellamy loves Clarke. Bellamy loves Clarke. One step closer to Bellarke! I said happily. Bellamy looked really annoyed. And both Miller and Jasper, who still was here, started to laugh.

-Come on guys. It's not fun. So what if it do?

-Oh, now you totally have admit it Bell. Bellamy Blake loves Clarke Griffin!

-That's enough Octavia! Bellamy snaped and rushed out of the dropship. When he was out of the dropship, me, Miller and Jasper started to laugh really loud until we heard somebody groan a little. I looked at the makeshift table there Clarke was. She started to move and sat up. She looked so tierd.

-Can you guys be a little more quiet next time I sleep? I had like this horrible nightmare. I was gone and all alone in the woods. And after a while I fell down in a hole and I didn't have this kind off strengh to be awake anymore so I feel asleep.

-OMG Clarke! You are awake! You are alive! I'm so happy. Omg, I need to tell Bell. You know, he was here an-

-Octavia no! Miller said harsh.

-Why not? She needs to know! That's like the biggest deal ever. I've waited for this sence I don't really know. I'm just glad this finally is happening. I said.

-What is it? Clarke asks

-Nothing! You don't need to think about now. Go back to sleep. Miller said. And she did what Miller told her.

Clarke POV.
I woke up and was a little confused. I know that I woke up before and I think that I was talking to Octavia and Miller. I'm not really sure. Anyways, I walk out of the dropship, wait what? How am I here? No, I'm just dreaming. But it feels so real. I told myself.

-Well, it is real princess. You are back. I heard Finn say.


-Yes it is. You are finally back here. I've missed you so much.

-Seriously? I don't believe that you've missed me. You were all over your girlfriend when she came down to earth. It was like you never seen me before. Like I was just some random girl here at camp. You are a such jerk. I said harsh.

-You're really starting to act like Bellamy! Finn said yelled.

-Screw you Finn!

-Don't talk to me like that Clarke!

-Are you kidding me? Are you telling me how I should talk to you? I asked harsh and walked out off the dropship. I walked past Octavia and just said "Hi" and keep walking. Wait, it was Octavia. I turned around and jogged at her and hugged her.

-OMG Octavia! I've missed you so much.

-Clarke you're awake?

-Haha, looks like it. I said and laugh a little.

-I'm so glad to see that you are okay.

-Yeah. I said and looked down to the ground.

-What is it Clarke? Octavia asked. I could see that she looked worried.

-Everybody thought that I was dead. Didn't they?

-Yeah, excpet me and Monty. We send out a party group to look for you. They always came home without you. Or they came back with food instand. I'm so sorry Clarke.

-It's okay Octavia. I don't care. Everybody wanted me dead anyway. I yelled the last part and walked away. But I could hear Octavia calling my name.

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