Chapter 5

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Finn POV.

It has been five days sence Octavia told the whole camp that Clarke was missing. And Bellamy jackass Blake says that she is dead. I don't want to believe Bellamy. But I think that he is right. She can't be missing. She was out when the acid fog came. And the acid fog is deadly. You die. I had a really big crush on Clarke, sence the first time I saw her down here. But four days ago, the day after Clarke died, a little dropship came down. Guess who was in that. Raven Reyes. My girlfriend. I really love Raven, but I've started to get really strong feeling for Clarke. But I'm trying not to think about her. So instand I'm together with Raven. Like I'm used to.

Clarke POV.

I woke up in a cave. No wait, I'm in some sort of cell. Were is almost no light in here. But I can see a little. I can feel chaines around my wrists. Now I am totally sure that I'm some sort of prisoner. And I really wonder what or who took me. When I'm out of here, I'm seriously going to kill the one that took me. It's gonna be really fun to kick some ass. When I tried to stand up, I felt the worst pain on the left side off my body. I could also feel pretty much pain in one oof my legs. And I could hear my stomach screaming for food. Best day ever, not.

I can hear someone coming. I have to make up a good plan fast. But I don't even have a second to come up with something before someone open the door. I can't see the face, but it's definitely a human. It's a really big guy. He is so close to me now so that I can feel his breath on my face. Creepy! The last thing I can feel is that the guy hit my face so hard that I black out.

Jasper POV.

I've felt so bad sence Clarke died. Octavia and Monty is the only ones who still thinks that Clarke isn't dead. Of course I'm really sorry for Clarke. I truly want her to be here with us. Even if almost nobody here in camp liked her, the seems really off. To be honest, even Bellamy seems to be a little down. He is really good at hiding his emotions. But losing Clarke, his princess, make it hard to hide it. That he isn't himself. Everytime someone tries to talk about it with him, he gets all angry and grumpy.

But the thing that makes me really angry is Finn. I can't believe that he just got together with his girlfriend Raven. Everytime someone brings up Clarke and Raven is were, he pretened like he doesn't even knew Clarke.

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