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The raid on Port William erupted within minutes of the Black Pearl landing, the familiar smell of gunpowder impregnated the salt breeze that ruffled the hair under your bandana. It didn't taste of anything on your tongue at first, yet as you entered the cobbled street the bloodshed fooled your tongue into tasting the metallic hit of blood.

The hair on the back of your neck stood on end, you used to know Port William like the back of your hand before you left a couple of years ago for a life at sea. Some of the town had changed but the nostalgia wasn't something you could ignore.

You drew your cutlass at your side and let it guide your way, it cut down a couple of paupers that made the mistake of crossing you. You stepped over their lifeless bodies without a second glance. You didn't have a bloodlust like the others, you only craved one sensation; gold against your skin.

That wasn't something you were going to find outside, you quickly scanned the area you used to know, searching for a closed door that looked promising. Third door on the left. You smashed it down with three heavy blows of your foot and stepped over the threshold.

The time in between the first kick and your appearance gave William Turner the vital few seconds he needed. The blacksmith had heard the commotion and drew a glowing poker from the fire, his eyes turned to steel and his jaw locked. He wasn't going to hide, his legs stood bolted to the creaky floorboards.

Will was ready to see a haggard and blood smothered pirate so when he saw you, he lost his guard for a moment. Your reaction was the same as you saw him but it would have been impossible for you to not recognise him. William Turner was no longer the young teen that you left behind instead he was a dashing young man.

His name was on the top of your tongue, ready to expose yourself. However Will spoke up first.

"You picked the wrong place pirate." He didn't recognise you.

"Do I know you?" You wanted him to see you - to look past the ragged attire and beads in your hair - and to remember.

"I make a point of avoiding the familiarity with pirates." He brandished his makeshift weapon in front of him.

"That's a shame," You replied, taking one step closer to him. Your fingers unconsciously flexing around the handle of your sword, "I used to like blacksmiths. Now however, I'm not so keen."

pirates, BLACK PEARLWhere stories live. Discover now