12 | elizabeth

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It had been over three years since you had last seen Elizabeth, she had disappeared for a life at sea and after the first anniversary of her leaving you had given up hope of seeing her again. So you tried to carry on and for a while it worked but then the reminders were constant; the dresses she used to love on you, the empty chair she always sat in, the tokens and jewellery she gave you.

You even settled down, an arranged marriage with a naval officer who was deemed worthy for your status. It wasn't perfect, he was away at sea most of the time but it gave you some happiness.

Elizabeth thought she could only dream about seeing you again, she often found herself absentmindedly stroking the necklace you gave her and wondering what you were doing. You both hoped one day fate would bring you back together.

Fate for once listened to your pleas. Elizabeth took a safe passage on a Royal Navy ship to go back to Port William which also happened to have your husband serving on it.

He recognised her as the girl you would always think about but something stopped him from introducing himself. He finally understood why you thought so highly of Elizabeth Swann and a little bit of him became jealous of the adventurous women who could command the attention of the room. He has always been one of the shy people on board and he loved you more than anything else in the world.

You were waiting on the pier as the ship birthed and the crew disembarked. A smile was plastered over your face as you saw tour husband walk off unharmed with an equally wide grin. You bumped into numerous people and shouted vague apologies back at them as you sped towards your husband who's cheeks had started to go red. Immediately you hugged the life out of him laughing, he was safe.

This was Elizabeth's face as she watched you, you hadn't changed at all. Still loud and still happy even without her, it made her want to cry for a million reasons. But mainly the fact that you were alive, Elizabeth could ask for no more. She watched as he whispered in your ear after the initial wave of excitement wore off. Elizabeth stepped onto the dock without taking her eyes off you. She had a decision to make; to stay or go.

Thankfully she never had to decide, your husband told you about their surprise women on board. The air caught in your throat and you scanned the crowd for the familiar soft eyes and strong jawbone. You found it easily and from that moment you vowed you would never let those features out of your sight.

"Miss Swann." You called to her, walking at a snails pace to tease the girl.

"It's Mrs Turner actually." Elizabeth replied and you were the one to be shocked but you soon regained your composure.

"It suits you. Much more fitting for a pirate." You joked as you were only a few paces away.

"Oh shut up!" Elizabeth laughed and without hesitation she hugged you until neither of you could breath and your laughs mixed with sobs of relief.

"I thought I would never see you again." You told her truthfully.

"You can't get rid of me that easily," Elizabeth assured you with a kiss to your cheek, "I'm here to stay now."


"I promise."

pirates, BLACK PEARLWhere stories live. Discover now