8 | gibbs

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The pirate Joshamee Gibbs still hadn't fully recognised the realities of having his child, yourself, as a member of the crew.

You looked at your father mainly with adoration, you had spent your childhood with your mother and as soon as you felt confident enough ran away in search of the pirate. The journey took a long time and gave you enough cuts and bruises to last one person a lifetime. It wasn't enough for you though, once you found him on the Black Pearl you had no intentions of leaving.

A couple of months had passed since you met your father for the first time and you were both still in an adjustment period. He would feel the need to occasionally scorn you if you looked at Will or Jack in an 'improper' manner. He wasn't happy about you following in his footsteps, he saw how intelligent you are and how capable you were of achieving something more in your life.

He didn't understand that being like him, being a pirate was all that you could have ever asked for.

The Pearl had docked on a port in the deep East and you had to admit you were nervous as you waited to silently depart the boat. Half of the nerves due to excitement, the other half in fear that you're father would scorn you going plundering.

Gibbs found his way to you and grabbed your wrist. Your face fell, he wasn't going to let you out, you were ready to protest when his stern face turned into a smile, "Take what you can." He placed a kiss onto your knuckles.

"Give nothing back," You replied and you couldn't contain your excitement as you wrapped your arms around him in a quick hug. Gibbs was awkward about it at first but he soon softened slightly and patted your back, savouring in the warmth a pirate very rarely feels, "I'll make you proud Dad." You whispered in his ear.

"Just don't die, that will make me proud." He dissolved the hug and slapped you on the back ushering you out of the boat and towards the life of a pirate.

pirates, BLACK PEARLWhere stories live. Discover now