Chapter 18

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James' POV

We walked back to the car cuddling with Beau trailing behind us. Once he caught up he unlocked the car we all got in, me and Khloe sitting in the back, she still looks upset though, I want to see her smile, the one that brightens up the whole room.. Wow that's cheesy.. Ugh shut up James.

We got back to their house and walked inside, Khloe was bombarded with hugs by Luke, Jai and skip.

Khloes POV

I walk through the door and the three of them come and hug me, it's not like I ran away geez. I smile and hug back waiting for them to let go of me once they did I walked straight up to my room and changed into trackies and James' 'russel' jumper, I layed underneath the blanket for about 20 minutes looking at the ceiling and writing letters with my arm in the air, then James walked in.

'What are you doing? Haha magic?' He motioned to my arm

I giggled 'yeah babe, I transported you in here so I guess it worked?' I say with a grin on my face

'Very funny' James replied jumping on my bed and cuddling me.

I love actually having someone apart from my family that actually loves me and is there for me, it's just.. Really comforting.

James had fallen asleep already and I was just about to until the door opened.

'Yes Jai? ' I ask sighing

He walked over to my bed and looked over 'what are you doing aye?' Saying it with his eyebrow up.

'He's sleeping and I'm about to.. So.. What are you doing?' I reply

'Eh. Nothing really, uh we're all going out if you want to come, we're going to get some food. Then were going grocery shopping for dinner and stuff tonight'

'Nah, if I need you I'll text or ring one of you' I yawn

'Okay, suit yourself. Don't do anything stupid while we're gone' he winks as he was walking towards the door, I threw a pillow at him which he just walked out with.. He's a weird child.

I turned and looked at James while he was sleeping, he's so precious, he looks like a fluffy little angel. I smile to myself, I'm so lucky. I can't be bothered sleeping anymore as it suddenly got really hot in here, weird. I climbed over James and went into the hallway where the air conditioning control panel was, who puts it on 29 degrees? Da fuq. I turned it back to the normal temperature, 21, and went to the bathroom.

' fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, shit, really? Now! Why?!' I whisper scream to myself.

Okay so ended the story, I'm a very very very late bloomer, I've only ever had tiny amounts of blood so I only needed to wear liners, right now it's looks like a river of blood just flowed out of my fucking vagina. I have no idea why it's taken so long to come like this but I really wasn't expecting it, I don't have anything but liners and the way it is I'm going to need To change ever 5 seconds. Shit. I need pads!

I cleaned myself up and just put a few liners on my underwear, hoping it'd be fine.

I walked into my room and lightly tapped James on the shoulder

'James, James.. Wake up' I whisper shaking him slightly. He groans and opens one eye and pulls me down on the bed.

'James stop.. I need you to drive me to the shops like, right now.. ' I say

'Why?' He asks rubbing his eyes.

'Just take me.. Please' I give him puppy dog eyes.

'Ugh, okay, okay get up' he replies

Puppy dog eyes always work on him. We walked down stairs, grabbed his keys and walked out the front door locking it. It was nearly 6pm and it was starting to get dark, we rushed to the car and got in.

'So... Wanna tell me why you need to go to the shops so badly?' James asks

'*sigh* I've finally got a really heavy period from years only being little patches here and there it's like a river' I say annoyed

'Ohh... Ew, but that still doesn't answer my question' he smirks

I rolled my eyes 'I need to get fucking bigger pads!'

'Okay, calm down babe. It's not the end of the world, every girl has or is going to get their period. You were just late and didn't expect it yet.' He rubs my leg while driving

I smile at his cuteness.

We arrive at Coles and walk in holding hands, we walked straight to the health and beauty isle, where all the tablets, makeup, deodorant, pads, shaving stuff, and some other stuff that a male would use (haha).

Of course... I roll my eyes awaiting for a little scene to come on.. The boys are there, skip looked and gave the cockatoo face as we walked past, the rest didn't know we were there yet because we were on the other side. James started doing weird faces back which caused skip to laugh which caused the boys to look up.

Beaus eyes widened a bit 'uh.. What are you doing here?' Pointing to the condoms, lubricants and stuff like that behind us.

'We're not here to get that you faggot' I huff

I walk to the pads and chose which ones to get and put them into the basket, I also got some period pain tablets just incase. I walked back over to James who is with the boys and stand next to him hiding the basket. It's awkward for you to see your brothers while buying pads okay.

'Oooh whatcha hiding? Do you want us to stay out for a view more hours while you have fun?' Luke says popping his head around to see what's In the basket

'That was disappointing, she only had pads guys, it's fine.. Definitely no dirty business going on tonight' he says

I gave him a 'real mature' look while James just say there and laughed. 'Can we go babe?' I ask quietly

We say bye to the boys and head back home.

About 2 hours later Beau comes home and hands us maccas, looks like no cooking tonight. Ugh. He also give me a frappe and a block of chocolate and says 'here, I thought I'd get you some chocolate, because girls are always craving chocolate or upset when it's that time of month' he winks

I couldn't help but smile 'thank you idiot... Now stop making fun of me'

We finished eating and James had to go home. Aw :( I liked when he slept here.. I gave him a kiss goodbye and he left 'I love you' I say while he was walking down the drive way 'love you to' he replies back.

I walk back inside it was now 10.30pm and I was getting tired, I said goodnight to everyone and went to my room.

Living my life as Khloe Brooks (janoskians/brooks sister fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now