Chapter 9 :)

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*about a month later*

/(still Khloe's POV)

So I've been sleeping in mums room every night. I'm always spraying her perfume just to get her scent like I used to. I miss her more and more every day. So much has been going through my mind and I can't help myself doing/thinking stupid things.

I went on twitter like I do every other night and just see more hate. I don't understand why though. Everyone loves the boys and everyone loved mum yet they don't like me there's some who are really sweet and nice though, I like them ones.

I started to read through my mentions just to see this.

'Don't listen to the hate beautiful, they don't deserve your attention xx mwah'

'you deserve to have no mother, especially Gina she was to good for you'

' now I hope the boys leave you so you're all by yourself. Stupid bitch'

'you should start going to the need to get rid of your fat'

I then came across one which made me ache.

'aw, poor baby lost their mummy...and their father? Must be hard knowing that they left you because they hated you. Especially your father. (c)'

'your mum probably was hoping you'd die one day, but now she did because of you, it should of been the other way around.(c)'

'you stupid slut. Just leave, you're unwanted.. but go to hell. Your mother doesn't want to see you again. xoxo ;)'

I posted a tweet saying


'why do people have to be so cruel?.. :'('

I shut my laptop and walked into mums ensuite. I opened up the draw and pulled out the blade..... I've tried not to but I just can't. I can't deal with all the hate I get, me and lucy have drifted apart now she talks bad about me behind my back, and.... I miss mum so so so much. I just want to give her a big big hug right now.

I sat on the stool in there and brought the blade to my wrist, one cut.. Two cuts...Three cuts... Four.. Five cuts... Six cuts.. Sev......

As I was onto my seventh cut the door was pushed opened opened, how could I forget to lock the door?!?.... Jai stood there with his mouth opened wide. I stared at him in shock while my hand was shaking and my arm was bleeding.

'WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?' he yelled in between sobs.

I jumped up and tried shutting the door but Jai held it open, I pushed all of my strength against it and it finally shut so I locked it.

I hid the blade in the bin bucket because I knew they'd look for it and I washed my arm. It stung like a bitch, I then put bandaids on and put a jumper on.

I heard beau come in my room..well mums.... And he was talking to Jai

'Khloe, open this door right now..' Beau said calmly

I sat in the shower behind the curtain.

They kept telling me to open up but I didn't. All of the sudden the door burst open and there was a big crack in it... They had just barged it down to get to me...

I tried running out the door but Jai caught me and held me.

'LET GO OF ME!' I screamed

'JAI! PLEASE.. LET GO!' starting to cry I scream.

Beau walked over to the bedroom door and locked it. Jai then let go of me. I ran to the bed and threw the covers over me and started to cry even more.

Beaus POV

Why did she do this?... I don't understand, Jai had seen her starting on a new cut.

'I'm sorry' I heard her mumble through her bed sheets.

I pulled them off her.

'why are you doing this Khloe..?'

'doing what? Being upset because my bestfriend/mother died?' she said

'no. You know exactly what I mean khlo. Why are you hurting yourself? Don't even try to deny it because jai saw you in the middle of it. Why? It's not good for yourself..' I tell,her hoping she would talk

She sat there for a while in silence, she grabbed her laptop and brought up her twitter mentions and handed it to me.

'that's part of the reason, your so called fans are hating on me and basically mum, my so called bestfriend Lucy left me and now she is talking shit about me behind my back and I've lost my bestest best friend in the world...mum. I can't help but do these stupid things beau.... I've tried. I can't do it. I wish I could stop but it's not that easy' she said while bawling her eyes out...

I never knew this, how could I not have seen any of this? I feel like such a terrible brother. I should have realized how hurt she looked. I should have kept an eye out on her.

I went into her settings on twitter and clicked deactivate, this isnt going to continue its not right. I'm so disappointed the 'fans' who have been sending her this. She's broken.

'what are you doing? Leave it! I won't look at my mentions or anything anymore I promise! I need my twitter!' she said

'I don't care Khloe, this is for your own good. I'm not letting you get hated on like that anymore.' I told her sternly.

I moved closer to her and grabbed her arm, she flinched at my touch. I started to roll her sleeve up and she pulled away.

'let me look'

'no, I can't. I've already hurt you.' she said quietly

'I don't care. I need to look, if you don't show me I will see for myself and I might hurt you so let me look.' I replied back. I'm not taking no for an answer

She rolled her eyes and pulled up her sleeve and took the bandaids off...the cuts were still bleeding, they're so deep.... She also has scars further up her arm, I'm assuming from the cuts.

'is this why you haven't been going to school? Because you miss mum and you've lost Lucy?..' I asked

She sat there for a moment.

'yes...everyone has turned on me beau, I have no one anymore. From having everyone i could ever wish for and talking to atleast everyone once a day or something it's come down to them just death glaring me. I don't even know what I've done wrong..' she replied, she had settled down but she looked so hurt while she was saying this. I felt so sorry for her, she doesn't deserve all of this.

All the boys came over and we all talked to Khloe, she looked a little but better. While the others were talking to her I was looking for what she used to cut herself. I looked everyplace possible and them found a blade in the bin. I took it and threw it in the garbage outside.

*2 hours later*

My phone started vibrating in my pocket so I pulled it out to see kaitlyn calling. Shit! Kaitlyn is calling!! She went to Italy for a holiday I'm meant to be picking her up from the airport right now.

'heyyy babee' I say sounding sorry

'yeah, I'm sorry. There has been a lot going on and I forgot all about picking you up..I'm so sorry I will be there soon'

'you sure? I can pick you up, its no problem. You don't need to get a taxi'

'Hmp. Fine, if you say so. Bye, i love you see you later'

The call ended, she didn't sound to mad because she knows about mum and stuff but I'm not sure if she knows about Khloe yet...

James' POV

I just found out the girl I love cuts herself.. I'm not going to judge her because beau told me everything. I'm going to try help her.. I need to.

Living my life as Khloe Brooks (janoskians/brooks sister fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now