Chapter 1.

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Hey welcome to Our Past this is the new and improved version of IHYTTMAB that was my first book but I deleted it because it really suck so this is the better version of it so hope you enjoy! 😊hit that star and follow me for more updates!

Also here are my goals each chapter will have a goal so can I get at least 10 votes/10 comments please 😊❤️

Five years ago

I found dark brown eyes staring right back at me with dread and fear. I stand in my bathroom mirror trying to stall myself from going to school today. The reason for my not wanting to go consist of one person and one person only.

Ryder Gale.

My nemesis, the one who has bullied me since we we're in elementary. He has taunt me for so long, it's been a constant routine. But not today, I'm going to try to convince myself that today is going to be a different day, I will not let myself lose, even if I have to cut off my arm I would not let myself lose to a jerk like him. Ok maybe that was a bit extreme but it's a risk I'm willing to take.

I take a look over myself one more time in the mirror to make sure that nothing was off. As I look back at myself I noticed just how chubby I am. Another reason why Ryder likes to pick on me. With my loose baggy jeans to my black sweat shirt along with my black converse I feel like any normal teenager.

Shrugging off my thoughts going through my head I head down stairs to greet my mother at the stove scrabbling some eggs along with bacon. Mmmmh just the smell of it is making my mouth water.

Mom notices me smelling the air making her smirk at me with a knowing look.

"Hey darling ready for school today." She ask smiling at me. At the mention of school my mood turns sour again making me frown. It seems that my mom knew what change my mood because she turns the stove off while wiping her hands off with a towel as she heads in my direction crouching down to eye level with me.

"Look sweetie, I know it's been tough on you with the bullying but trust me it will get better you just have to get through with it." She comforts me with reassurance in her eyes, I nod my head agreeing with her. She gives me a heart felt smile while also giving me a tight bear hug.

"I love you bug." She coos at me by the nickname my father gave me before he past away. I smile into her shoulder mumbling I love her too.

"Now eat your breakfast and hurry up before your late." She commanded while patting me towards the dining table.

I sat down chowing down on the eggs and bacon. The doorbell rings singling that my two best friends are at the door waiting on me.

"Emilian! AJ and Chad are here!" My mom calls out to me as I'm putting the dishes in the sink.

"I'm coming!" I shouted back as I grab my bag rushing to meet my friends at the door.

"Geez hurry up Em or we're gonna be late." AJ groans at me grabbing my hand in hers dragging me out of the house. "Yea Em better hurry up before she tugs your arms off." Chad snickers beside me.

"Oh shut up, both of you the school isn't even ten minutes away from us." I laugh as we walk up to the school gates.

AJ and Chad have been my friends forever. They were the only two who have been there for me through all the crap I go through and are always there to fight for me. No seriously AJ gave a boy a black eye and a broken nose for pushing me once.

When we were in the building we all waved at each other for a good bye so that we could go to our own classrooms. It sucks that we don't have any classes but that's all made up for lunch.

Finally it's lunch! And you wanna know the best part? I haven't seen Ryder all day! YAHOO BONAS! I walk the halls to found AJ and Chad waiting for me by the entrance of the cafeteria. I rush towards them ignoring the glares and nasty comments as I walk by other students.

Who cares what they think this has been the best day of my life! As we settled down to our table with our food we chatted about our day. Chad was in the middle of telling us how he let out one of the lizards that our Science teacher has into he's bag but the bell rang for us to head to our last block.

"Ok see you guys later." Chad wave at us.

"Yea ok see ya." AJ laughed as she gave him a peace sign while I wave at him lightly. We we're on our way to our class but I felt something warm and slimy run down my head. With a screech I wipe away sauce running down my face.

"What the hell?!" I yelp as I looked at a wide eye AJ. "Ops sorry I must have mistaken you as a trash can my bad." A snarky voice behind me chuckles darkly.

I quickly turn around to face Ryder Gale himself.

"You!!" I yell accusingly pointing a shaking finger at him.

"Yea me." He smirks lifting one of his shoulders up while his friends behind him laugh giving each other a high five.

"You jerk look what you did." AJ growls at him while putting a hand on my shoulder that is covered in noddles and meat balls.

"Yea I see what I did, what about it?" He ask in a bored tone. "What's wrong is that this is fuck up and you need to say your sorry." AJ sneered taking a threatening step towards them.

This catches Ryder's attention making him smirk in amusement. "Like hell I will, who's gonna make me? Certainly not you." He jabs back sticking his chin up challengingly.

"You know with one phone call I think I can make dear daddy lose his job. I mean, is that what you want? " He throws that at AJ making her eyes widen in fear.

"You wouldn't." She whispers her fist shaking by her side. "Oh, but I would, now if you don't mind, do me a favor and get lost this is between me and her." He declared smirking as he points to me.

AJ looks back at me with a worry look on her face as if she's debating on what to do next. That's when I come in.

"Just go I can handle this." I insisted to her while nodding for her to leave. "Are you sure?" She ask still worried. I just nod my head as I glare at a annoying smirking Ryder.

"Yea just go." I say pushing her in the other direction. Before she leaves she turn around to give me a reassuring determined look. I smile in response but turn my attention back to him.

"What do you want isn't this enough for you?" I ask while pointing to the mess that he made on my hair and clothes.

"Naw I think you need more than just that." He continued as he nods towards his friend on the left him making the guy smile wickedly. With one swift move he grabs a dirt mob bucket at me soaking my whole body in dirty soapy water.

"There, the rat is clean now." He laughs as he high fives the guys behind him.

I thought I could have made it today but I was so, so wrong I feel hot tears run down my face as I watch them laugh at my dirty wash up face. Ryder notices my tears and an undescribable emotion passes his face but he quickly covers it up by giving a cold glare as he walks away from me.

I waited there for a what seems like hours now, just standing there in the middle of the hallway soaked in smelly water and spaghetti.

Until I finally let out the sob that I've holding in for too long. My wails and screams were heard by teachers and stuff. Many people surround me but I didn't pay attention to them all I could think was the horrible way he looked at me.

I will never forgive you Ryder Gale, ever.

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