Chapter 4.

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Hey guys what's up! I'm finally situated and I'm going to college! So I'll have a little time to work on this book and try to finish it before I start my classes, so enjoy!
I can't believe I yelled in the middle of the class because right now all eyes were on me. Especially Ryder Gales eyes. I shiver at he's gaze.

"Mrs is there a problem?" The principal ask me with a stern look on his face.

"N-no sir, there's no problem. I mumble embarrassed.

"Good, now Mr. Gale go take your seat and please be respectful today, we wouldn't want to call your father now do we?" The principal address to Ryder.

"Oh no Jeff we wouldn't want that." Ryder replies mockingly. The principal faces turns beet red.

"That would be principal Locksmith to your Gale, now shut your mouth and take a seat you only have 20 minutes in this class anyways." He said with a huff leaving the room.

With that being said, Ryder takes an empty seat on the left side of me. Of all the classes he just had to have the same one with me. God had such a weird sense of humor.

I return my attention back to my assignments finishing all my work just as the bell rang signaling that class was dismissed.

I was the first one out, running towards my locker to put my belonging inside and also being with my friends because I feel like I'm going to be sick.

Luckily AJ was at her locker just shutting the door when I got to her. She looks up to smile at me.

"Hey what's u- Holy hell what's the matter with you? You look like you ate something nasty." She joked out at me.

"Yea more like saw something nasty." I replied back.

"You saw Ryder didn't you?"


"Girl you don't need to worry about that slug, he's not worth your time." She comforts me with encouragement. I just smile at her and nod my head in agreement.

"Now let's go wait in the gym for Chad since that's he's last class and knowing him, his trying to make himself "hot" after his workouts." She emphasizes while rolling her eyes. I laugh following her to the other said of the school to walk into the gym.

There were a few people left inside the gym but it didn't matter, AJ made her way through to walk right straight into the guys changing room. If your shock right now trust me I'm not there's not guarantee with that girl.

Not long after she had walk in she was now walking out with an annoyed Chad right behind her as he complains about her pulling his ear.

"OWWWW ow ow OW! Woman you are mad!" Chad yelps out in pain.

"Oh shut it you big baby, we are not sitting all day just for you to look good, besides our best friend needs us." She declared.

Chad shrugs her giving her a death glare before turning to me.

"So, whats does the lovely Em needs." He asks me.

"Pizza and a long rant."
"So he's in your last class, also with you and your big mouth shout out in the middle of Principal Locksmiths lecturing and possibly just expose yourself to Ryder making it just easy for him to find a way to get under your skin, I'm i right so far?" Chad concluded as he takes another slice of pizza shoving it into his mouth. All three of us were in my room sitting on floor discussing the matter with the whole Ryder Gale situation.

I cringe at his eating habits but nod my head at his observation.

"Well hell your in for a ride." AJ mutters through her breath.

"But the thing is I feel like he didn't even know who I was. He just looked over me once and didn't even acknowledge me." I say as I nibbled my veggie pizza.

"Then don't worry about it, if he doesn't recognizes you then your fine." AJ shrugs it's off.

"She's right as long as he doesn't know who you are then your fine." Chad agrees.

"If you guys think so, but I'm still gonna be cautious about this." I declared to them and to myself. I will not make the same mistakes last, I'm going to keep my guard up, making sure that this time Ryder will know who's in charge.

"So you ready to get started on our homework?" Chad ask me as he turns to get his stuff.

"Naw I'm good." I responded while getting another pizza.

Both Chad and AJ turns their heads in my direction, giving me a blank look on their faces.

"Wait?" I ask confused.

"Your such a nerd." The both say in union with amused glint in there eyes.

"Oh shut up!" I shouted as I got up onto to feet grabbing the nearest pillow near while I aligned it at Chads face.

He got it just in time as it was about to smack in him in the face. He looks up at me with a serious look on his face when he said.

"Oh, you just signed your death wish."

Both me and AJ squeal has he jumps up so fast and grabs both of us throwing us all unto the bed. With the pillow still in his hand he begins hitting us playfully.

"Hey what the hell why I'm I in this!?" AJ helps as she gets hit on her side. He stops and grins down at her.

"Because this is revenge for my poor ear you torture today." He reply's.

"Oh you big cry baby, well take another beating ya son of bitch!" She roars as she grabs the other pillow knocking him upside the head so hard he falls off the bed.

"That's it I'm taking you down Jonesey!" He lets out a war cry.

"Try me bitch!" She yells back.

"Not in my house you don't!" I commanded.

"Stay out of this." They both through there pillows at me knocking my backwards on the bed.

Shocked I sit up and grab both the pillows.

"Say hello to my little friends bitches!" I jumped up on the bed chucking the one pillow in Chad's face then hitting AJ with the other.

"PILLOW FIGHT!" Chad screams like a girl making us all laugh but still we continue aimlessly hitting each other with the pillows.

We went on like this for about 40 more minutes until our arms began to ache. But we had fun regardless with we were tried or not.

For once I can say I'm actually glad to be back. And I'm hoping that this time I will become stronger each day I'm here. Because I have a feeling, that Ryder and I will have to come face to face with each, but there's no telling when that will come.

HEYYYY MY JELLYBEANS WHATS UP?! Lol another chapter for you guys man does it feel good to actually have time to write. Anyways hope you enjoy this little chapter I chopped up for you guys just remember you if you want updates all you have to do is hit that star, follow me and comment on what you guys think to you know help a beginner out here because this girl loves to write but sometimes messes up her on work 😂😅 So thanks for the support and enjoy!

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