bungee jumping really

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Are you ok Peyton?.Justin asks.

No, I don't want to go bungee jumping Justin.I reply.

Why not?.Justin asks.

Justin I almost died skydiving yesterday and now I have to go bungee jumping.I reply.

I'm so sorry Peyton.Justin says.

Why?.I ask.

I thought that if I wasn't extreme you wouldn't want to date me anymore.Justin says.

I love you Justin and I always will.I say.

Really?.Justin asks.

Yes.I say.

Can we still go bungee jumping?.Justin asks.

Only if you will bungee jump with me.I say flirty.

Ok.Justin says.

At the bridge.

Were bungee jumping off of a bridge?.I ask shocked.

Yes Peyton.Justin replies.

I thought it we would be jumping from a smaller distance.I say still nervous.

Peyton its only five hundred feet.Justin says.

That's a long way down for five hundred feet.I say.

It's time to jump.the bungee jumping man said.

Peyton's p.o.v

We are about to jump ween I notice a little tear in my bungee jumping cord,i tell the guy but he says it's completely safe then me and Justin jump.I am screaming louder than Justin at this point when our bungee cords pull us up mine breaks off so I start free falling at this point.

Peyton!.Justin yells.

Justin help!.I say still falling.


Justin's p.o.v

Peyton hit the water with a big splash, so I take off the bungee jumping equipment and I jump in after her.when I get to Peyton she thanks me for helping her but our clothes are soaked in water.

Peyton I'm so glad you are ok.Justin says.

Thanks I am to.I say.

You look so beautiful.Justin says.

You look so handsome right now.I told him.

Then we kiss.

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