make ups and the last day

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Peyton's p.o.v

Today is the last day of school so I am gonna wear a black romper with some pink I walk down the stairs Spencer stops me again and I know what this is about so I quickly walk past him and out to my car I start it up an then Spencer jumps behind my car and he starts shouting and I can't back out of the driveway.

Peyton I'm not moving until you accept my apology.Spencer says.

Fine I accept your apology Spencer.Peyton says.

Really?.Spencer asks.

Yes.Peyton replies.

Can you give me a ride to school then?.Spencer asks.

Nope but I accepted your apology.Peyton says.

At Peyton's locker

Hey Peyton.Austin says.

Hey.Peyton says angry.

What is wrong did I do something?.Austin says.

You shouldn't have broken up with Amya.Peyton says.

Once again she broke up with me Peyton.Austin says.

I don't care its the last day of school but I have to make it through this last day.Peyton says.

Peyton you were mad at Spencer, but now you are mad at me.

I am not mad at you but

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