The new normal

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How Scarlet ended up in a semi-normal situation here she didn't know. The rest of the family left a week after and Scarlet was staying in the spare room and it started to become her room, they got her a job working as a waitress at the Halliwell restaurant. Now, semi-normal is because living with a bunch of stranger a month after meeting them was not normal. Actually maybe it was if you went to college.

The girls took her shopping so she didn't keep stealing Tamara and Parker's clothing and Makeup. when they got home Scar went to put things away she saw the two single beds had been replaced with a queen sized double bed, a full wardrobe, desk and vanity. the room was repainted a grey colour and the bed had a scarlet blanket. They turned the spare room into Scarlet's room and she was speechless.

she went down to see Wyatt who had obviously tried to make it seem like it wasn't him, he had showered and changed but he missed a bit of paint on the back of his neck. she did something she didn't expect and hugs the whitelighter. 

"Don't mention it." he says hugging her back and then goes to the kitchen like it was no big deal. Maybe for him it wasn't but Scarlet hadn't belonged anywhere for a year and he showed her that she belonged. She didn't mention it again and they all went around as they normally would. 

The new Neighbour was caught sneaking out of Chris's room two weeks after the bedroom incident, good job Chris. Scarlet makes sure to remind herself to high five the middle child for getting the hot chick.

All three Halliwell sibling had been teaching her control over her Pyrokinesis and trying to unlock the other four elements.  This basically consisted her standing in front of a cup of water trying to will the water to move. Henry came along as well to learn how to be a witch with the only other male witches. that's what Henry and her were doing now. They both had plastic cups of water that we had to try and move, him the cup her the water. 

"As fun as staring at cups is I'm bored." Scarlet comments to the 18 year old. 

"I don't get why it isn't working, i know how this magic works, I'm doing everything right." Henry responds he was such a nerd. He'd been studying magic since he could read and thought he knew everything. Scarlet hadn't studied magic a day in her life and just works on pure instinct.

"Maybe that's your problem, it isn't a math equation it's magic. You need to feel not think." Scarlet suggests and he glares. 

"why isn't yours working then?" he asks her. 

"Because she's not thinking at all. Scar you're right. Henry is thinking too much but you're just going with it. you need to think a little. not too much just think about wanting it to move." Wyatt says and she rolls ger eyes before doing what he says. For a split second the water moves, only like the table was hit but it moved nonetheless. She tries again and focuses, fire came easy to her because she is basically made of fire, it was easy to understand fire, it consumes and destroys until it doesn't have anything left. Water heals and helps, it is life yet... it has the power to destroy, people need water to live yet it can so easily kill. while trying to understand the water something shifts inside of Scarlet and as she opens her eyes she sees the water has risen out of the cup. holding out her hands she spreads the water around the room. grinning evily Scarlet throws the water at Wyatt. it throws him across the room so he's soaking wet and probably bruised. shit, at high speeds water is basically solid when you hit it, or it hits you. she runs to the blonde and sits next to him worried.

"Wyatt I'm so sorry, I only meant to get you wet. I forgot it could hurt you." she apologises and helps him stand. 

"It's okay, I'll be fine. you did it though," he says looking at her, his eyes are hazel. Scarlet hadn't really noticed, obviously, she knew but it hadn't really clicked. they were pretty, his eyes not brown not green but both.

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