Chapter 3 - Torture

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Torture (n.)
great physical or mental suffering or anxiety.

Syn:infliction of pain, abuse, ill-treatment, maltreatment

So I should start the story now. You did make it this far, through all my rambling and repetitiveness. However if I am starting this, might as well say that when I left the monster... I didn't leave in time for him not to hurt me once more... More so in that moment than I think he truly had thought he did.  Anyways so my story, it should start the night before. That stormy night a year and a half ago, it was an eventful night. I remember that night like the back of my hand. I still shaken by the thought of that night, but I am sadly happy that it happened.  On that note, I guess I should get to it then...


I quickly went down the stairs waiting for my father to return home, that never ending wait that because so unbearable to be in most of the time. Even if I'm used to that dreadful wait by now, it never felt quite the same each time. It doesn't matter whether the wait is two hours or two days, that wait is still the horrifying part of it all. Yea, father has become a horrifying person now, but waiting to see the horrifying person still beats it out of the water.

Usually, while waiting I would clean to calm my nerves enough not to jitter around the place. It got to the point where I clean till the place is spic and span before he got home or he would get upset. It didn't get to me though, I enjoyed cleaning before he wanted it done. It was pleasant but it was like the eye of the storm, calm before the storm comes back. Even if I want the eye of the storm to stay forever, I know that it won't but I still hoped for it. The rest of my storm should stumble in that door anytime now.

Looking down the hall to the grandfather clock, reading it says it was only 11:55 p.m. All I can do is count the minutes till when I think the monster will come home. I keep looking at the clock thinking that hours went by but it was only seconds. I began to hear the ticks of the clock, each tick making me even more uneasy than the last. Unnerving me with each second that passes. Trying to find something else to distract me, distract me away from the endless ticking of that old rickety clock.
I picked up my rag and started to clean the coffee table by the stairs, cleaning the nik-naks on the table as well. Then while cleaning, something in one of the drawers caught my eye, picking up a picture frame of mom, Spiri and I. Slowly grabbing the frame off of the table to look closer at the old thing, I noticed that the glass on the frame is broken and pieces are missing but surprisingly that the picture itself was unharmed. There was just dust covering the most of the picture. Getting the picture out of the frame and swiping the dust off of it as well, I realized when this picture was taken. That sad day when mom died by the Peace Overseers. No one knows how they knew where that mythical's park was. We never found out who was the reason why so many mythicals died that day.

Thunder booming outside shook me out of my daze. Quickly looking at the door to see if the monster is back yet. Lucky for me, he wasn't. I looked back at the photo and put it in my pocket. Now turning to the clock and it only reading that is was only 11:57 p.m. now.


I glance at the clock once more, it still showed it was 11:57 p.m.


Glancing once more, I internally groaned to myself for it still being 11:57 p.m.


Still 11:57 p.m.


Gosh freaking dang it! How in the gods is it still 11:57 p.m. How tedious is time being right now. Why must he torture me now, of all times! Glancing at the clock again in a ting of annoyance, 11:58 p.m. Dear time, are you trying to be a jerk right now. Are you telling me there is no real calm in the eye of the storm? Why do you gotta be such a jerk about all of this, sir. You're not wrong... there's only more panic of when the storm will come back.

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