Chapter 7 ~ Scorn

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Scorn (~.)
- Open or unqualified contempt; disdain.

Syn: contempt, derision, contemptuousness, disdain,
Derisiveness, mockery, sneering

The house was even more beautiful that in was on the outside. Gorgeous duo staircases with a chandelier, the walls a nice cream color that matches the chic white marble floors. There were beautiful pictures to be found every so often of the walls. I was absolutely stunned by the beauty. So stunned that I stopped walking and just tried to soak it all in. I happened to let go of Kliment's sleeve and he instantly turned back to look at me questionably. How could he just continue through this and not acknowledge that it was gorgeous in here?

The table in front of the entrance and in between of the duo stairs, it had a vase filled with pink carnations, pink camellias, and forget-me-nots. Beautiful combo, but they have a sad meaning... Pink Carnations: I'll never forget you. Pink Camellias: I long for you, I long for your touch. Forget-me-nots: memories, true love, and forget me not... I stare at Everett's back in confusion, who is he longing for? His demeanor seemed to change at my thought? Oh shoot! He can read thoughts! I forgot!

"I a-am sorry!" I said to Everett frighteningly.

He only turned slightly to show a sad smile before he continued up on his way. Kliment and I stood there, staring at the man. We just question what in the world it mean when he does what he does. It began to get awkward when the silence of the entrance became. Everett had left us at the door once he had disappeared up the stairs with my sister in his arms. I just stared at where he left, what is he going to do with her? I looked up at Kliment, he had a hard look. I begin to feel even more confused about it all. Why would all this happen... jeez this is getting too much.

There is just too much going on, I can feel it all coming down. I try breathing in and out, it didn't work. After a while I began to lose hope, that's till I felt a squeeze of my hand. I looked at my hand then to Kliment, he gave me a small smile. I gave a small smile back instantly calming down again. Once he knew I had calmed down he went back to looking at the beautiful house. I wanted t0 walk around explore the place.

So Kliment and I began to walk forward, walking toward the stairs following Everett only to be stopped by a man with silver hair and icy blue eyes. He had this calming aura with him, making me instantly calm. Even with that calm feeling I still hid behind Kliment. He got hold of my hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"Please come with me you two. Everett had asked me to escort you to the sitting room. This way please." The pleasant man said kindly.

Kliment looks at me to see if I am willing to follow. I gave a slight nod, just curious about everything. just how things turned out this way. Kliment walks towards the amicable man. Pulling me along, making sure that I'm close enough not to be lost on the way. We made it to the sitting room it was just as beautiful as the front of the house. the sitting room is evenly sorted out, easy to move through.

"Please, sit..." the kind man said monotonically.

I was about to say my thanks when loud crashes to be heard from down the hall. I jumped with each loud noise, clutching onto Kliment's shirt. He was still holding me protectively behind him. A man with fiery looking hair, pointing upward and all, it was really cool how it defied gravity. I can feel my face began to heat up for the fact that this man didn't have a shirt on. Not to mention, that he was ripped... his six pack just flashing out to the world to see... that some confidence he has.

"Eyri, there are you, you snowball! I couldn't see you!" the buff man yelled from across the room.

"You can see me, doofus." Eyri said flatly.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2018 ⏰

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