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Idalys's POV

I couldn't think of anything else. All that was on my mind was Shawn or should I say Mr.Mendes. MY TEACHER, after he confessed his feelings for me. I mean why, why me? How?I felt the same way but, like he said it was wrong and illegal but I needed it. I needed an us.
I walked into class today with Jade not making eye contact with Shawn. I went straight to my seat. Then Adrian walked in shouting. "MISS IDALYS ROJAS! I AM A CHAMPION OR SHOULD I SAY CANELO ALVAREZ IS A CHAMPION. Yup thats right, that look is what I expected. You my dear owe me a date." He says poking my nose gently. I just had my jaw dropped. I forgot and I lost. OH NO. This is terrible Timing.Jade looked at me as she laughed. "Settle down Adrian" Shawn says with a glare after hearing EVERYTHING. I couldn't speak I was in shock. Again.


After school Adrian called me.

Adrian: Hey loser!
Me: am not
Adrian: is too
Adrian: so I am taking someone on a date and I can't decide between the basic movie night OR a surprise date. What do you think with your expertise?
Me: I dont my kind Adrian. I just simply can't help you with this one. Your one your own.
Adrian: SURPRISE IT IS! Tomorrow night at 7pm my dear.
Me: I will await

                       ~End of call~


Today was the day I had a date with the sweet Adrian. And the day I talked to Shawn about what happened.

*skip school just BC*

4 p.m

after school I quickly changed and left to Shawn's house. I wanted to talk. Talk about the us.
I knock on the door and he answers. "I-idalys hi?" He questions. "Hey" I say. There was a moment of silence, it wasn't awkward it was like we were stuck in time. Nothing was moving. Until he speaks. "Come in" he says. I walk to the sofas and sit as he sits next to me. "May I take your coat?" He asks. "No, its fine. I only came to talk real quick." I reply and he nods. " I-i wanted to talk about W-what you said. And I dont want to get you in trouble or get you fired. Because I-I know that thats what's gonna happen. And I dont want to repeat your          H-history even though I would never do that. But I just think that your feelings should stay to yourself           b-because i- Fuck it" I say and quickly straddle Shawn kissing him with such Passion. Sparks illuminated. He caresses my thigh with one hand and the other with my cheek.I can feel him smile as he kisses my neck. We pull apart catching our breaths. "Sparks" he says. "Sparks" I giggle.

I immediately woke up with heavy breathing. I ran 2 fingers over my lips wishing to be true. I checked the time. 8:45 a.m Shit I was late for school.

FUG IT imma update again for y'all BC its getting INTENSERRR if thats a word 😂 hope u liked it muffins❤
Love y'all


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