Pokémon Brick Bronze: Burnt_Alive

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On May 30, 2016, I was going to play Pokémon Brick Bronze. I loaded up the game and played on my saved profile, but here's the thing: there was a hacked server which I wasn't aware of it at first. That's the reason that all of this happened. This horrendous event makes me never want to play Pokémon Brick Bronze again, so I don't want to enter into that God-forbidden server again.

Chapter 1 (Normal until I get to Route 6)

My profile loaded me at Route 5. I battled and won every single Hiker, Pokemon Trainer, and Bug Catcher with my Charmander. I went to the city like normal, talked to the Pokemon Gym Leader before proceeding to Route 6. However, I noticed that when I went to the path to the volcano, I saw the whole path was covered in lava. I thought this was a graphical glitch, so I went into the lava, and that was one of my worst mistakes I've made.

Chapter 2 (Burnt Alive)

My character then made a high-pitched scream and was melting. At that point, I'm both astonished and afraid at the same time as I watched my character got burnt alive in the lava. After that, the screen seemed to be a game over screen with my corpse on a grassland both scorched and decayed at the same time as it zoomed into its face.

Chapter 3 (Teleported)

After that shocking incident, I was teleported into a game called "Burnt Alive." It was a game with loud music that sounded like fingers mashing a keyboard, and a close-up to my scorched and decayed character - except extremely grotesque and detailed. It made me wanted to throw up. My characters head looked like an eye was missing, half of its skin ripped out, brain oozed out, skull cracked open, and lower jaw burnt off. I tried to close the game, but it wouldn't allow me to, so I thought pressing Alt+F4 was the best solution and that immediately solved the situation.

Epilogue (Strange happenings after that)

After that horrific event, I started to get strange messages in my inbox being spammed "Burnt Alive." There was also a game on the front page called "Burnt Alive." I don't know if I'm going crazy or not, but this is freaky. I also get strange trade requests that wanted me to trade a Classic Fedora with a "Burnt Alive" logo. I also noticed that my desktop background was the same picture I saw in the "Burnt Alive" game.

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