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One day two people named "Lezusia" and "Mallorious" met in a roblox game in 2007. 

They played together and were best friends although people thought they were weird because of their usernames, they got rejected from the world. People everywhere in every game were mean to them and they constantly got banned. Lezusia and Mallorious one day couldn't take it anymore, they said they were going to have revenge so they prepared. One day they came to a place and everyone started laughing at them and said things like "HAHAHA, LOOK WHO IT IS, THE LONERS!"

and started killing them with gear and reporting them again for no apparent reason. All they did was smile and say "Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock. Look at the clock turn around and fall on the floor. I shall feast on you're blood." People were confused. All of a sudden the game shutdown and the players were never seen again. Nobody knew what happened to them but everytime you clicked on their accounts the only thing that appeared was an error page saying "Tick Tock, Tick Tock, Revenge time has come." Lezusia and Mallorious kept going on gamessaying the same words. When the Roblox Administraitors saw that, they immediately banned their accounts for 2 years. 

Lezusia created a new account called "Lezus" in 2011. Mallorious was never seen again, A fake skid called Mallorina joined roblox and Lezus hacked her account. before they were banned they both betrayed eachother. They say that is you visit his profile 50+ times and play his place, You will be sent a message saying "Tick tock, Looks like you're next." Then 1 hour later your status and blurb will be changed to the word "Lezus" and one day later you're account will be deleted. The last words Lezusia ever said before creating "Lezus" was:"Hi, I'm Lezus. I am sad. You shall pay. For all you have done to me. You caused me. All this pain. Death, death. Tick Tock, Tick Tock, Tick Tock. Come play with me and Don't reject me . Because when you're day comes everything will pay up. Reject me, Look at me cry and laugh. But remember you will pay. Tick tock, tick tock, look at that clock when you turn around. You'll fall on the floor. I shall feast on your blood."

And now Lezus' status was "Mallorious, You're my only true friend. We shall seek revenge....."

Now, To this day, December 2013 at Lezus' place if you say Lezus is fake you will be disconnected.

I had my own expirience on a Lezus encounter. I was at a random place,No one was there. After 5 Minutes "Lezus" Joined. Lezus just said ";(" I finally asked "What's wrong?" then was teleported to a randomized baseplate I never seen in the game. There was Lezus, across a bridge from me on a ledge. I said "Hello." and approached him. Blood randomly appeared on my screen. And he said in latin "Hello, chris." which was "Salve, chris." and said "I am sad." then I asked why. 2 holograms appeared of Mallorious and Lezusia and Lezus said "Who do you see?" I had no time to answer due to the fact that he typed fast. He said "Lezusia and Mallorious." then asked me to turn around in real life, I saw a cage of ten Mallorious' together. I said I was scared and he answered: You should be. and blood was on my Seven key on my keyboard. I tried to X out but when I tried it didn't work. He replied to his own chat, "There is no escape." then the window exited out.

I was banned on roblox for a month and started to play minecraft. When I got unbanned I checked my messages. I had ten new ones, Half from Lezus and half From ROBLOX. Lezus's messages said "You will die." While putting the messages in my archive, I knew he would never kill me.

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