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Yuri pov

Once we got to the gym tuskishima placed (y/n) on the floor next to yachi. Yachi smiled at tuskishima then said "I'll take care of her " tuskishima nodded and went to change. And so did I

(Y/n) pov

I slowly began to wake up when a idea popped in my head " I could go get my karasano cheer outfit and cheer for the team" with that I sprang to life. Scaring the slightly taller blonde girl next to me "wow you woke up quickly " she chimed I nodded " I have a idea I'll be back shortly " I chirped yachi nods at me "be back real quick we need you to help" yachi spoke I nodded kiyoko smiled at me and said " please hurry " I smiled brightly and said " will do " with a salute. The I skipped off

I ran to my room were all us managers stayed. I smiled at the girls in the room saying a quick "hello" as I ran to my sleeping spot were I grabbed one of my bags. ( it was a little nap sack you had two bags) I then dashed to the bathroom and quickly changed into my suit. I then ran back to the room and placed the bag in the room. then I sprinted to the gym my skirt flying behind me. I held it down.

Once I reached the gym I seen the boys were warming up so I happily walked in "hello boys " I chimed waving at them "awww look how cute you are " noya-sempai and tanaka-sempai said as they fawned over me I smiled " I'll cheer for you " I said jumping a little

Once I reached the gym I seen the boys were warming up so I happily walked in "hello boys " I chimed waving at them "awww look how cute you are " noya-sempai and tanaka-sempai said as they fawned over me I smiled " I'll cheer for you " I said jump...

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( it's not yachi k it's you )

" sis your adorable " brother said as he walked past to get his water " now you boys go get warmed up so we can win " I chimed shaking the Pom pom. They nodded and went to practice

Tuskishima pov

"Wow......cute.....No. Hot. She looks very nice in what she is wearing but I'd rather her not show that much skin really because I want it for only my eyes " I thought as noya and tanka talked with her. Hinata was blushing like crazy and kagayama was scolding him I laughed internally. " you do realize your blushing and staring at (y/n) " sugawara said to me in a cheeky voice I looked at the silver haired setter and tsk'ed then shook my head as I continued to warm up. I looked over at the other side of the net a couple of the boys on the other team were blushing like crazy.

"WARM UP IS OVER GET INTO A LINE " daichi yelled. We did as told and got into a line. Daichi walked over to the net and met oikawa they shook hands and said something and then walked back to the teams. We all bowed and said " LETS PLAY " then the game began and we got into position. I was a middle blocker same with that annoying ginger of to bright for my eyes. On our side of the court I heard a girl voice cheer happily as she cheered " GO KARASANO " I knew it was (y/n) so I internally smiled at her cuteness and focused on the game "I have to win this for her "

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