I dont plan on hurting her

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(Y/n) pov

We finally found the leaf we were looking for then we made it to the beach. Everyone was there. Sensei and ukai had a fire going as we were all roasting marshmallows " mmmm this taste so good " I chirped as I ate the marshmallow

Tuskishima pov

" I think I should tell her. Right here. Right now.....but what happens if she rejects me. That would be super humiliating. But it's worth a shot right I mean there is nothing wrong with telling her how I feel. I-I'll do it " I looked at everyone there were all distracted with talking to each other. I tapped (y/n)s shoulder " hey can we talk in private " I asked her i felt my cheeks get a little red " oh ya sure " she chirps. We stood up and walked a little away from everyone just in a small part of the forest" I'm going to tell you something and I'll only say it once. So you better listen up " I said she nodded her (e/c) eyes were shining like the stars that had recently showed up. I felt my cheeks get redder. I took a deep breath before saying " well you see I kinda like you, wait no not kinda like you. I really like you " I say I slowly look to see (y/n)s face. It was red as a strawberry but it was really cute. I had butterflies in my stomach" uhhh Kei I uhhh like you too " she spoke quickly and quietly " WHOO HOOO " " AWWWW" "A CUTE COUPLE " "OTP IS ALIVE " the team clapped and cheered also wolf howled I smirked slightly as (y/n) hid behind me I patted her head. " so you guys are going out now" Hinata asked he looked defeated. Probably because he also liked (y/n) " y-yeah" (y/n) chirped " awww that's awesome " Hinata chimes taking (y/n) hands then spinning around " you better take care of (y/n) or else " tanka and  yuri say together I slightly shiver "how is she related to that lunatic and his crazy sempai " I thought as I looked at the two who were giving me a dirty look " I don't ever plan on hurting her" I say to them. They back of and went over to my new girlfriend. I should say. Next thing I know (y/n) was on noya shoulder as he walked over here " shortness unison raid " they both say as they walked closer to me " what are you-" I was cut of with a kiss on the lips. (Y/n)s lips. It was a quick kiss. (Y/n) turned bright red as noya laughed I had a slight tink of red on my cheeks too. I made up my mind to be Bold and with that I kissed (y/n) on the lips. This kiss lasted a bit longer but not that long.

(Y/n) pov

Everyone was smiling happily and goofing around. I had my head resting on kei's body because I was getting tired. I smiled as I watched everyone play around before I feel asleep

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