Friday Reminder #20

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"If someone reads surah YASEEN and the next  surah that is surah SAFFAT on Friday and begs and makes dua to ALLAH of his/her needs.
his/her needs will be fulfilled."

I dont know the source of this hadith but I have learned this from my madrasa and I have observed it as well.
I know every person has so many wishes, so this friday read Yaseen and Saffath and make loads of  du'a's. Inn shaa Allah.

May Allah fullfill all our permissible du'a's. Aameen.



● Everything has a heart and the heart of the Quran is Surah Yaseen, whoever read Yaseen, Allah will write the reward of reading the Quran ten times from him. (Tirmizi and Darmi)

●Whoever reads Surah Yaseen for the pleasure of Allah, his past sins will be forgiven so read this near your deceased. (Bahiqi)

1. Sayyiduna Ma’qil ibn Yasar (radiyallahu’anhu) reports that Rasulullah (sallallahu’alayhi wasallam) said:

“Surah Yasin is the heart of the Qur’an. When anyone who intends the Akhira recites it Allah will forgive him. Recite it upon your deceased.” (Sunan Abi Dawud)

Imam Ahmad has narrated in his Musnad from Safwan that, ‘The scholars use to say that when it is recited by the deceased, Allah creates ease for him/her.’ (See Tafsir ibn Kathir vol.3 pg.571)

2. Sayyiduna Jundub ibn ‘Abdullah (radiyallahu’anhu) narrates that Rasulullah (sallallahu’alayhi wasallam) said,
“Whoever recites Surah Yasin at night seeking the pleasure of Allah, His sins will be forgiven.”

(Muwatta Imam Malik).

A similar narration is reported by Sayyiduna Abu Hurayrah (radiyallahu’anhu) and has been recorded by Imam Abu Ya’ala in his Musnad. 

Based on this narration, Allama Al-Munawi (rahimahullah) has deduced that whoever will recite Surah Yasin during the morning, will also be forgiven, Inshallah. (See Faydul-Qadir vol.6 pg.259)

3. Sayyiduna Ibn ‘Abbas (radiyallahu’anhuma) says: “Whoever recites Yasin in the morning, his work for that entire day will be made easy and whoever recites it at the end of the day, his tasks till the next morning will be made easy.” (Sunan Darimi vol.2 pg.549)

And Allah knows best.

4. Abdullah bin Zubair (RA) narrates that whoever recites Surah Yaseen for any specific need, then it shall be fulfilled’. (Tafseer Al Mazhari).

5. It is narrated in the tradition of Harith bin Abu Umama that whoever recites Surah Yaseen, then if he is in fear, he will gain peace and safety. If he is sick, he will be cured. If he is starved, Allah will nourish him’. (Ad-Daa’i wad Dawaa).

6. In the narration of Ata (RA), it is reported that the Prophet (SAS) said, ‘whoever recites Sura Yaseen at the beginning of the day, then he will be in ease and goodness until the evening. And whoever recites it in the evening, then he will be in ease and goodness until the next morning’. (Recorded by Ad Darimi with a Sound Sanad).

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