Kim Seokjin / JIN: Jealous

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You were supposed to bring food for your boyfriend, Jin, but you thought you'll just buy food for everyone.

But since they were in a practice, you waited outside the room and watched them from the square window on the door knowing that if you came in with boxes of pizza they'll attack you.

You waited patiently as staff pass by and said hello to you.

Finally, the boys were done practicing. Suga "collapsed" on the floor, Rapmonster and J-Hope sat in the corner with their phones and earphones on the side. Jungkook and Jimin were still teaching Jin some steps but Taehyung opened the door in excitement "Noona! Annyeong Haseyo! Oh. You even bought food. *gasps* PIZZA!" Taehyung greets as he helps you with the bags and invites you in.

"Oh. Y/N? Annyeong, Jagi!" Jin greets you as he runs up to you and hugs you as he gave you a forehead kiss.

"You are sweating." You chuckled and you get your handkerchief in the back pocket of your jeans and wipe his forehead.

"Gomabseubnida, Jagi-yah!" He smiles.

"Aigoo! jinjja... Yah, take it somewhere else." Taehyung and Jimin tease.

"Yah! Y/N bought food!" Jimin yells.

"Y/N Noona, you're the best!" Jungkook says as he gave you a thumbs up with his mouth filled with pizza as he gags a little. "Yah, Jungkook eat slowly, you'll choke and choke can lead to heart attack." You scold.

"It's okay, you're a nurse, I'll survive." Jungkook smiles sweetly.

"Yeah, you'll survive but I'll have to cut a big slit in your throat." You said as Taehyung chokes on his own food and Jimin hands him water.

"Noona, you can't say that." Taehyung pouts.

You are a nurse and the reason why you and Jin met was because when he got injured at the firework on the stage the hospital was so busy and some doctors went home and so you were the only one that checked him, it wasn't critical but still he asked for your number and his excuse was that he was scared there might be side effects and he'll know who to call.

J-Hope, Suga and Rapmonster thanked you for the food and so did some other staffs that were filming them. "Y/N really spoils us a lot." Rapmon says, "Gomabseubnida, Y/N!" J-Hope says and Rapmon and Suga follow.

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You were supposed to go home about thirty minutes ago but here you are, competing with Jungkook and Taehyung with bottle flip.

"Wait, So if I win this in three tries Taehyung will kiss Jimin and Y/N will bite Jin's arm?" Jungkook clears.

"Yeah." You nod.

"Aniyo, That's not a punishment for you two, it's a punishment for Jin and Jimin." Jungkook disagrees.

"Fine. You'll put the hot sauce from the pizza to that bottle and me and Taehyung will drink it." You suggest.


The score, Taehyung is 1 point, You got 2 and if Jungkook wins this in three rounds only then he wins with 3 points.

 I swear, there is nothing this kid can't do. You thought to yourself.

Jungkook tries to flip first and you just prayed but luck isn't your friend so Jungkook won, "Oh." 

"YAH!" Jungkook yells. Taehyung smacks his head, "Why are you yelling at your hyung and noona, huh?" You guys just laugh.

"I win!" Jungkook jumps around. "You drink the hot sauce, you drink the hot sauce!" He sings.

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