I am writing this imagine on my phone so it'll probably long or short depends on my mood😊
This imagine has a little bit of dirty scene, specially made for my main beechouisemarie❤ Love u, beech. I ain't ever gonna stop loving you,
. . .
Your name: Louisse
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You sobbed as you threw another used tissue in the pile of tissues in the coffee table, "No~ my baby~ Don't!" You cried as your eyes fixed on the laptop screen as you watched Hwarang where Taehyung dies.
(A/N: Spoiler Alert..? Well, I think everybody knew that already even before they watched the drama because every Idol in Kdrama dies. By the way, Hwarang was such a great drama. I recommend it.)
"Why are you crying?" Namjoon asked as he hopped on the couch while on his phone.
"Oppa, they killed my baby." You cried as you blew your clogged nose on the tissue.
"Eh? Jinjja? Ah~ I haven't watched the drama yet but how does he die?" Namjoon looks at the screen but you turn it away.
"Your studio has a computer and a laptop. Well, you have four laptops but two of them were destroyed by you and the other one got virus but still! Watch your own drama." You said.
"You're still not over that I bet on Jungkook to win that Overwatch match?" He sighed.
"Of course, I'm still mad. I'm your best friend and I expected some support!" You paused the drama and closed the laptop.
"Lou! It was obvious he was going to win! The boy's a monster on every game besides you had your boyfriend cheering you and his best friend Jimin." Namjoon said.
"Oh wait! What's this, my nose is bleeding?! Can the both of you speak in Korean because you're in Korea!" Jungkook butts in.
"Well it's not our fault you got 4 out of 100 in your English," You stood up as Jungkook's jaw dropped to the ground.
"Jagiya~ I'm home." Taehyung announced.
"Oppa!" You cheered as Namjoon scoffed as you punched him lightly.
Taehyung hugged you, you smacked his chest. "How could you die?!"
"Pardon? Oh~ You're in that part already?" He smirks, "I did great, right?"
"Yes, you did. But you didn't do great at convincing the writer not to kill you! I mean, not that it's because you're my boyfriend but aside from Ban Ryu, Hansung was my second favorite character."
"Second only?" He wraps his hands around your waist and didn't really care of how much you looked like a mess. A messy bun in sweats with your puffy nose and red eyes from all the crying.
"Well, Taehyung is different from Ban Ryu and Hansung but I'd still choose you first if that makes you feel better." You smiled as he pecked your lips.
"Oi, do it in your room." You took Namjoon's suggestion and dragged Taehyung back into his room.
Locking the door behind you taking off your boyfriend's coat as he connected his lips to yours as his hands went inside your sweater and his fingers played with the hem of your sports bra.
He groans and deepens the kiss. You catch your breath as his lips go to neck, teasing and tasting. Hitting the right spot and making you moan.
His other hand traveled down to your hips and giving it a squeeze before lifting you up easily as you wrap your legs around his waist.
He walks over to the bed not breaking the kiss and laying you down gently. He ripped his black button up, "Someone's impatient." You smirked as he groaned in response and shutting you up by kissing you.
He took off your top and drags down your sweatpants, he kisses from your collar bone until he got to your belly button. He got up making you whine, he took off his pants leaving him in his black boxers and opening his drawer taking a gold pack and crawling on top of you.
"My hyungs' are probably taking a nap next door so let's try not to be loud." Taehyung said.
"We always try," You smirk, "But we always fail."
Vote if your bias is Kim Taehyung
Vote if your bias wrecker is Kim Taehyung
And vote if you'll let this vampire bite you 😉😂
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Comment if you loved this chapter because I really worked hard on it and it's a busy week for me and I'm losing ideas.