Requested Imagine: Park Jimin

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Request dedicated to jessicadraper2

Featuring Jeon Jeongguk

Featuring Jeon Jeongguk

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Jessica's POV

You lived with your sister in Korea, working as a young assistant chef. But for now you visited your parents in Liverpool and today is your last day so you decided to roam around.

Having a nice coffee at a cafe while listening to some songs. Then you saw two guys in black coats sit next to your table, their face was covered with mask and both wearing beanies. They saw you looking and they did a light bow as you smile back and focused back on your phone.

later the waiter approached them, "Here's your red velvet slice, two brownies and two regular sized ice coffee."

"Oh. This isn't our order." You heard them speaking Korean so you turn around.

"Hyung, what do we do?" they started laughing, "Yah, the only thing Namjoon-hyung taught us is how to order. Hyung, hurry talk to him."

"What do I say?" He takes off his mask and you were shock to see a familiar face but you still can't remember who it was, "Um... Excuse me?" You chuckle as he says it cutely.

"Yes, sir?"

"Our order... No," You spit out your coffee as you tried not to laugh.

"Excuse me?" The waiter asks again.

"Our order is no." You thought they were so cute. You stood up decided to step in.

"They meant that this is not their order." The waiter apologizes and cleans it up.

"What was your order again? I have to check if it was punched in." The waiter asks.

"He's saying, what was your order again." You translated making both boys look at you and say 'Wah~' in unison, surprised to see you speak Korean.

"Uh... One americano, one mocha latte, a chocolate muffin and vanilla cupcake. Oh! I'll also add red velvet cupcake." The other dude said.

"He said-"

"I actually got that," The waiter buts in, "I'm sorry again, I'll be back with your orders."

The two boys stood up and bowed, "Thank you so much."

"Ah, no problem." You pick up your bag and your drink.

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